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Ada Watt
Munitions WorkerBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Ada Watt.
Do they already have a Wikipedia page? No.
Gender: Female.
Date and Place of Birth: Unknown
Date and Place of Death: Unknown
Do we have images/photos of this person? Yes – one from the The Daily Mirror, Friday, May 3, 1918. Ada is receiving her British Empire Medal from the Earl of Lonsdale for her work at Gretna.
James Morrison (possibly also known as John Morrison per see 1901 census) and Jessie Morrison.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance:
Place of residence at Gretna:
Job title at Gretna: Munitions Worker.
Marital status:
Awards/recognitions: Received the ‘British Empire Medal’ in May 1918 for, ‘Courageously staying at her post, was the means of saving many lives.’ (Quote from The Daily Mirror).
-Trivia / any other information: