7 The Ridge
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Charles Andrew Hislop
Section Manager, Nitro-Glycerine HillsBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Charles Andrew Hislop
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Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 19/08/1879 at Blantyre (1) (7)
Date and Place of Death: 08/03/1943 aged 63 years at Glasgow (2)
Nationality: British
Do we have images/photos of this person ? There is a photo of him in the Dornock Farewell, also images have been put on Ancestry member trees but are not for public view.
Childhood: He was the youngest of four children. His siblings were:
Maggie born 1866 in Glasgow (1) (3)
Agnes born 1870 in Glasgow (1) (3)
Alexander born 1876 in Blantyre (1) (3)
Parents: Father: David Watson Hislop born 1838 in Glasgow (1) (7)
Mother: Margaret Marshall born 1839 (1) (7)
Parent’s occupations: Father was a watchmaker and jeweller (1) (3)
Mother was a Fancy Goods shopkeeper. (1)
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance:
Occupation: Analytical chemist (1) (6)
Place of residence at Gretna: 7, The Ridge, Eastriggs
Job title at Gretna: Section Manager, Nitro-Glycerin Hills.
Marital status: Married
Spouse name (including male name): Jane Fulton Murray (5)
Date of marriage: 05/08/1905 (5)
Place/Parish of marriage: 19 India Street, Glasgow (5)
Children: Jean Drummond Hislop born 1910 (6) (7) (8)
David Watson Hislop born 1909, died 1909 (7)
David Watson Hislop born 1913 (7)
Trivia / any other information:
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- Books written about the individual or mentioning the individual (Title, year of publication, publisher):
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Further links, notes, and comments:
- Find my past 1901 census
- Find my past probate calendars
- Find my past 1881 census
- Find my past 1891 cencus
- Find my past newspaper articles
- Scotlands People 1911 census
- Scotlands people index
- Ancestry member trees.
Pictured in the Dornock Farewell (part of The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s archive collection):
Name and address appears in the Dornock Farewell:
Appears in Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry 1918 part 4