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Photo of Elizabeth Eastaugh

Elizabeth Eastaugh


Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Elizabeth Muriel Grace Eastaugh , maiden name Nicholson

Gender: Female

Date and Place of Birth: 1885 at Newark, Nottingham (2)

Baptised at St. Mary Magdalene church, Newark, on 02/08/1885 (2)

Date and Place of Death: 21/06/1959 at Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia. (1)

Nationality: British



Childhood:  Elizabeth was born and lived in Newark, Nottingham, and had three siblings:- Eleanor born 1875 (4)

                                    Edward born 1877  (4)

                                     Marion born 1878  (4)

Parents: Father: Edward Henry Nicholson born 1847 (4)

                Mother: Sarah Ann Prior born 1850 (4)

Parent’s occupations: Father was a civil mechanical engineer (4)

Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: 


Place of residence at Gretna: 

Job title at Gretna: 

Marital status: Married (2) (5)

Spouse name (including male name): Professor Frederick Alldis Eastaugh , born 1882 (1) (2) (5) (7)

Date of marriage: 05/01/1911 (2) (5)

Place/Parish of marriage: St. John’s Fielding, New Zealand (2) (5) 

Children:  Edward John Eastaugh   born 1913  at Hunters Hill, NSW, Australia (5)

Betty Eastaugh born 1915 at Lane Cove, NSW, Australia (5)

Helen Eastaugh born 1922 at Sydney, Australia  (5)            

Travels: In 1909 Elizabeth sailed on the “Tongariro” to New Zealand . She was accompanying her Aunt Margaret and Uncle John Prior who had been on holiday in Britain. They arrived in Wellington 15/12/1909 (5) (6).

After marrying in New Zealand, they moved to Australia where her husband was Professor of Engineering and Metallurgy at Sydney University. (5)

Frederick sailed to Britain where he served with the Australian Munitions Team at H.M.Factory, Gretna. He was a manager of section and was occupied in the various stages of gun-cotton drying, dehydration and solvent recovery. (7)

Elizabeth sailed on the “Corinthic” to join him in November 1916, with her two children, Edward and Betty. (6)

They returned to Australia after the war and were residing in Alexander Street, Hunters Hill, Sydney, at the time of Elizabeth’s death in 1959 (1)


Further links, notes, and comments:

  1. Find my past Probate calendars
  2. Find my past BMD
  3. Find my past 1901 census
  4. Ancestry 1891 census
  5. Ancestry public member trees
  6. Ancestry passenger lists
  7. University of Sydney Biographical Information



Elizabeth Eastaugh wrote a poem that appeared in the Dornock Farewell, in the archive collection of The Devil’s Porridge Museum.

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