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George Henry Beech
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : George Henry Beech
Gender: Male
Date and place of birth: 5th April 1898, Audsley, Stafford
Date and Place of Death: July 1965, Newcastle Under Lyme
Nationality: English
Childhood: 4th of 6 boys
Parents: George and Mary Edith nee?
Parents occupations: Coal miner
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Soldier at Gretna / coal miner occupation
Place of residence at Gretna: Eden hostel
Marital status: Married to Martha Hannah Pigg ( see separate database entry). Married second time in 1922
Children: 1 died 1916, 1 child later
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information: Yes
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Husband of Martha Hannah Beech nee Pigg, also in data base
George Henry Beech was born at Audsley , Staffordshire on 5th April 1898 to George and Mary Edith nee?
1901- Living at Chapel Street, Audley- father a coal miner.
1911- 432, Church Street, Butt Lane, Audley, Newcastle -under-Lyme. 4th of 6 boys . Father a coal miner. George a pony driver underground , aged 15. 4 rooms
Quarter 3 1915 – married Martha Hannah Pigg –she was aged 16 at the time, he 18 at Easington, Durham. Son born December 1915.
December 1916- son died.
1917 – at Gretna as a soldier in the Staffordshire Regiment living at Eden Hostel .
May 1917 – Martha died in Cumberland Infirmary as a result of burns received in an explosion at Gretna, ( see Data entry for Martha Hannah Beech. )
1921 – listed with George, Mary Edith and 4 others at Newcastle-Under-Lyme
September 1922 married Elizabeth Hambleton in Stoke on Trent.
1939 -17 Victoria Street, Newcastle- under- Lyme. One daughter Colliery ripper , heavy work underground
September 1965- died at Newcastle under Lyme, registered at Crewe.