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Winalton England
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): George William Funck. (He seems to have also been referred to as George Edward Funck).
Gender: Male.
Date and Place of Birth: About 1895, Winalton, Gateshead.
Date and Place of Death: Unknown.
Nationality: British.
Childhood: His siblings were Rose (1888-?), John Friederick (1889-1946), Kate (1892-?), Mary Lizzie (1897-?), William (1900-?) and Mathilda Funck (1907-?).
Parents: Frederick Funck (1867-?) and Fredericka (1865-1952).
Parent’s occupations: In the 1911 England Census his father’s occupation was recorded as an electric car driver.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/A.
Occupation: There is a chance he may have been a pork butcher at some point. He has also been described as a printer.
Place of residence at Gretna: N/A.
Job title at Gretna: N/A.
Marital status: Married Violet Lader in 1920.
Children: N/A.
Travels: N/A.
Awards/recognitions: N/A.
Trivia / any other information: Was prosecuted for being an absentee from the army reserves.
He pleaded not guilty, and was represented Mr. W. Trenholme. Mr. Trenholme said his client was the son of a German who had been interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, since December, 1914. When war broke out his client was living at Sunderland along with his brothers. Although he was born in this country he was told in August, 1915, that he would not be allowed to live in the Sunderland district He obtained work in a munitions factory, but when the police got to know where he was they had him discharged. Then he secured work in bacon factory, and again was dismissed After that he came to Bradford, and had appealed to the local Tribunal as a conscientious objector.
Further links, notes, and comments:
George Funck – Facts (
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Dundee Courier – Saturday 27 November 1915
HUSBAND KNOCKED HER OFF MUSIC STOOL. WOMAN SUES FOR DIVORCE FROM GERMAN. In the Divorce Conrt yesterday Mrs. Edith Caroline Funck, residing at Putney, the English wife of Hermann Frederic George Henry Funck, German now interned, was granted decree of judicial separation, with costs, on the ground of her husband’s cruelty. The suit was undefended. Mrs Funck said her marriage had been very unhappy owing to her husband’s intemperate habits. Following the outbreak of war she was discussing something which she had read in the newspaper, when he became very annoyed about it. He spoke against England, which much surprised her, as she always understood that his views were British. In view of the way he spoke she left him in November last year. They rejoined, and his conduct became worse. One day she was playing a patriotic air on the piano quite unaware of respondent’s presence in the house, when he entered the room, and after declaring she was annoying him, knocked her off the music stool.
Husband Knocked Her Off Music Stool. | Dundee Courier | Saturday 27 November 1915 | British Newspaper Archive
Hull Daily Mail – Saturday 01 April 1916
” FUNCK ” BEFORE THE TRIBUNAL. 1 net wei 23 1 011 the Bradford Military Service Tribunal Friday. They included a pork butcher named William Funck., whose father, German, interned.
” Funck ” Before The Tribunal. | Hull Daily Mail | Saturday 01 April 1916 | British Newspaper Archive
Leeds Mercury – Thursday 21 December 1916
committee. “ALIEN” FOR THE ARMY. SON OF INTERNED GERMAN TO JOIN At Bradford City Poiice-court, yesterday, a printer, named George Edward Funck, aged twenty-one years, of 2, Edmund-street, was charged with being an absentee from the Army Reserve. He pleaded not guilty, and was represented Mr. W. Trenholme. Mr. Trenholme said his client was the son of a German who had been interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, since December, 1914. When war broke out his client was living at Sunderland along with his brothers. Although he was born in this country he was told in August, 1915, that he would not be allowed to live in the Sunderland district He obtained work in a munitions factory, but when the police got to know where he was they had him discharged. Then he secured work in bacon factory, and again was dismissed After that he came to Bradford, and had appealed to the local Tribunal as a conscientious objector. The Stipendiary Magistrate said the unusual thing about that war that he was a German conscientious objector. Mr. Trenholme said that October last his client had made a declaration as an alien. He could not be regarded as an ordinary resident, because was prevented from going into certain districts, and, having regard to the declaration he had made, it would b© better that he should be interned. The defendant said had applied for permit to to Sunderland, and was told that he could not have one. He added. I claim to be a German, cannot put on uniform, and there is law that can alter the nature of blood.” The Stipendiary Magistrate pointed out that the declaration alienage had not been made until it was too late to obtain exemption under the Military Service Act. Therefore the defendant would be handed over the military authorities and fined 40s. Sec. -Lieut. H. Alan Bowker, M.C., West Yorkshire Regiment, has been wounded in the left side, and has been admitted into a Red Cross Hospital. Lieut. Bowker is the son the Rev. J. H. Bowker, of Armley. Pte. Harold Gatehouse, West Yorkshire Regiment, has been killed. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gatehouse, of 26. Cedar-place, Axmley, Leeds. Corrll. W. Hayes, Yorkshire Regiment, killed, leaves a widow and two children, who reside at 4, Lee-street, Leeds. He was forty-two years of age. Able-Seaman F. Wormald, Royal Naval Division, 7, Clovelly-plaoe, Lady Pit-lane, Leeds, was killed on November 13th. Pte. Alfred H. Wilkinson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilkinson, of Villa Rosa. Calverley-lane, Horsforth, was reported wounded in October last. Letters have now been received from comrades stating that they saw Pte. Wilkinson wounded in charge September 26th, and that he was left behind on the held. The ground was soon after heavily shelled the enemy, and there can no doubt that was hit by high explosive as trace him was subsequently found, and nothing has been beard from him or him «ince. Pte. Wilkinson was educated at Pannal Ash College, Harrogate, and the Leeds Grammar bchoid. joined the Bankers’ Battalion the Royal Fusiliers last April nineteen years age, and was afterwards drafted to the Middlesex Regiment. was employed the Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society in Leeds. Pte. Peter Critchley, nineteen, a Huddersfield Territorial, son of Mrs. Henry, Lockwood Vyaxd, Duke-street, Huddersfield, who was reported missing since July 3rd, is now reported have been killed on that date.
Winalton England