Anslow England
7 Factory Police Camp Eastriggs Scotland
Willesden London England
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : James Eyre
Do they already have a Wikipedia page? If yes, please paste link: No
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 1st March 1868. Anslow, Staffordshire
Date and Place of Death: 30th August 1939. Twyford Lodge, Willesden, London
Nationality: British
Do we have images/photos of this person?: No
Parents: Mother: Ann/Annie Eyre. Father: unknown
Parent’s occupations: Mother was a former teaching assistant. She died a few months after James was born.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: Probably attended schoool at Anslow, Staffordshire.
Occupation: Police constable from 1889 to about 1918.
Place of residence at Gretna: Hut 7, Factory Police Camp, Eastriggs
Job title at Gretna: Police Constable
Marital status: Married
Spouse name (including male name): Sarah Elizabeth Shaylor
Date of marriage: Jan 1890
Place/Parish of marriage: Kensington, London
Children: Percival James (1891-1898), Reginald (1892-1969), Frederick Stanley (1895-1896), Arthur Cornelius (1899-1966), Sidney Leonard (1902-), Clifford Hiam (1904-1906), Lionel Frank (1905-1905) and Albert Leslie (1907-2007)
Travels: May have been in Canada in 1923 but was back in London by 1936. 2 of his children, Sidney Leonard and Albert Leslie, emigrated to Canada after the war.
Awards/recognitions: None known
Trivia / any other information: Whilst in Eastriggs serving as a police constable, James was accompanied by his wife, Sarah Elizabeth, and at least 3 of their 4 surviving children: Reginald and Arthur are both described as soldiers but whether they are serving at the factory is not clear. The youngest son, Albert Leslie attended Dornock School from 1916 and enrolled in the new Eastriggs School on 1 Jan 1917. His reason for leaving is given as “left the district” but no date is given.
Anslow England
7 Factory Police Camp Eastriggs Scotland
Willesden London England