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John Stableford Hill
Date and place of birth: 1878 South Shields, Durham
Date and place of death: 30 August 1954, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
Nationality: British
Biography: John had a brother and sister –
David Hill 1877
Mary Agnes Hill 1880
Parents: David Hill married Mary Stableford 1874, South Shields, Durham
Parents occupation: David was a Manager of a chemical works
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance: Modern School Myrtle Crescent
Occupation: John was a Chemist
Mentioned in Institute of Chemistry 1919 part 4 as an Associate:
Hill, John Stableford, 82, The Rand, Eastriggs, Dumfriesshire
Place of residence at Gretna: Electoral rolls Gretna/Eastriggs 1918 mentions John living at E6 Eastriggs
Job Title at Gretna: Officer in Charge Chemical Lab
Marital Status:
John married Ann Maude Ayton in South Shields, Durham 1918 who died in 1928
John married again in 1933 to Catherine Laird, Newcastle upon Tyne
Children: John had a daughter from his first marriage:
Gwenyth Marjorie Hill 1921 in Dornock, Dumfriesshire.
Travels: Nil known
Awards/Recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information:
British Newspaper Archive
Name and address mentioned in the Dornock Farewell (held in The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s archive collection):
Mentioned in Institute of Chemistry 1919 part 4 as an Associate:
Hill, John Stableford, 82, The Rand, Eastriggs, Dumfriesshire