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John Joseph Hope
Email from relative: I’ve just recently obtained the will of my great-uncle Harrison Hope who served in the 2nd. Battalion Coldstream Guards in WWI and who died in France in August 1918. In the will document dated 1917 he named his sister (my maternal grandmother) and his brother, John Joseph Hope, as co-beneficiaries. He also described John Joseph Hope as `a munitions worker Biglands House, Thursby, Carlisle”. I had no idea ‘Uncle Joe’ lived in Thursby or had been a munitions worker. He died at Low Moorhouse, Burgh-upon-Sands in late 1947 where my mother had been taking care of him. Perhaps he travelled from Thursby to Longtown to work at Eastriggs and maybe you are able to identify those who were working there in 1917- 1920 period? John Joseph Hope was born in Kirklinton, Cumbria in 1886. His father was Joseph Hope a stonemason and his mother was Elizabeth (born Harrison). In the 1911 census he was working at Kirklinton Hall, Cumbria as a gardener. In the 1939 register when he was at Burgh, he is described as a retired dairy farmer. I’ve now been able to access the 1921 census and I found that my great-uncle Joseph Hope had worked as a mechanic at HM Factory, Gretna