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Lilly Mary Mackintosh Colvin
HM Factory GretnaWomen’s Police ServiceBiography
Date and place of birth : 6 April 1891 at Perth, Scotland
Date and place of Death : October Quarter 1959 at Newton le Willows District, Lancashire
Nationality: British
Biography: Lilly grew up in Scotland with her many siblings.
In 1939 register Lilly is a patient in a Psychiatric Hospital
Duncan Colvin married Grace MacPherson Strother 2 August 1849 in Inverness, Scotland.
Parents occupation : Duncan was a Free Church Minister
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance – Not known
Place of residence at Gretna: Womens’ Police Barracks No1, Gretna
Marital status: Single
Children: Nil
Job title at Gretna : Police Sergeant
Travels – Nil known
Awards/recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information: N/A