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Quentin Bradley McKenzie
Date and place of birth: 24 January 1895 Tasmania, Australia
Date and place of death: 31 March 1981 Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Nationality: Australian
Biography No known siblings.
Parents: Thomas McKenzie married Sarah Ann Crabtree in Tasmania 1890
Parents occupation: Not known
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance: Not known
Occupation: Chemist
Place of residence at Gretna: 13 – 15 The Ridge
Job Title at Gretna: Chemist
Marital Status: Floris Merle Stooke and Quentin were married after the WW1 in Tasmania.
Children: Heather Patricia McKenzie 1924
Travels: Quentin returned to Australia after WW1 in 1919
Awards/Recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information