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Robert Deans
Name: Robert Deans
Date and place of birth: 1885 Longtown, Cumberland
Date and place of death: 8th December 1916. He was killed in an explosion while working in the Mossband section of H.M. Factory Gretna.
Nationality: British
Biography: Nil known
Parents: Robert’s mother was a Miss Bridgett Deans of Longtown.
Parents occupation: Not known
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance: Not known
Occupation: Robert worked as a Cowman before working at HM Factory
Place of residence at Gretna: Not known
Job Title at Gretna: Not known
Marital Status: Robert married Ellen story in 1913, Longtown, Cumberland
Children: Nil known
Awards/Recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information:
Information provided from a family member to Devil’s Porridge Museum:
“My great grandad was killed in an explosion 1916 at Devils Porridge. His name Robert Deans. He lived in Longtown and was buried December 1916, he was 31 years old. My gt grandfather Robert was born in 1885 in Longtown Carlisle. He married my gt gran Helen Story in 1913. He was killed in an accidental explosion in 1916. I have the death certificate but I’m not sure wether it was November or December the accident happened.”
“He was killed 8th December 1916. I now know he was working in the Mossband part of the factory.”
“Further information about Robert = His mother was called Bridgett. They lived Swan Street Longtown.”
British Newspaper Archive
Mossband Farewell