Newcastle upon Tyne England
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Sarah Elizabeth Watt
Munitions WorkerBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Sarah Elizabeth Watt
Gender: Female
Date and Place of Birth: 18 December 1892, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
Date and Place of Death: 14 January 1960, 1 Toronto Street, Carlisle
Nationality: British
Parents: James Hudson Watt(?) and Sarah Wheatley
Parent’s occupations: In 1881 her father was a “sagger maker” and in 1891, a “driller”. None found for her mother.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: None found.
Occupation: In 1911 census described as “at home” despite being 19. Trained and served as anurse at Newcastle General Hospital at start of WW1. This from Stewart Adamson but un-corrorborated.
Place of residence at Gretna: Not checked but not Eastriggs
Job title at Gretna: Not known
Marital status: Married
Spouse name (including male name):Robert James Byers.
Date of marriage: 21 January 1922.
Place/Parish of marriage: Grinsdale, Cumberland
Children: Irene M E (1923-), Mary E (1924-), Robert (1927-) and Dorothy (1928-)
Travels: None known
Awards/recognitions: None known
Trivia / any other information: