Newcastleton Scotland
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William Crozier
Date and place of birth: 13 May 1887 in Newcastleton, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Date and place of death: June Quarter 1948 registered in the Border Region of Cumberland.
Nationality: British
Biography: The Crozier family were originally living in Newcastleton, Scotland but in 1890s they moved to Carlisle. William was one of 5 children born to his parents:
Theodor Crozier 1890
Isabella Crozier 1892
George Pickering Crozier 1897
Another child who died in infancy.
Parents: James Crozier married Margaret Ann Pickering in Carlisle 1886
Parents occupation: James was a teacher of Music
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance:
Occupation: William was a Teacher of Music as his father
Place of residence at Gretna: Not known
Job Title at Gretna: Not known.
Marital Status: William married Mary E Stansfield the December Quarter of 1918 at Carlisle
Zoe G. Crozier 1920
Travels: Nil known
Awards/recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information:
British Newspapers Archive
Scotland’s People