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Photo of John Walter Bartholomew

John Walter Bartholomew

Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : John Walter Bartholomew ( Jack Barty)
Gender: Male
Date and place of birth: 30th December 1888, Balham, Wandsworth, London
Date and Place of Death: 26th November 1942, Streatham, Wandsworth, London
Nationality: English
Childhood: One older sister, father an architect,
Parents: Walter Bartholomew and Annie Augustus nee Lindsey
Parents occupations: Architect/ Surveyor
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: None known
Occupation: Actor/comic/variety artist – member of the concert party at Gretna
Place of residence at Gretna:58 Botchergate , Carlisle ( his wife’s home)
Marital status: Married to Hilda Holmes (also in database)

Children: One son
Travels: Transatlantic and World tour as a professional entertainer

None known
Positions held
None known
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John Walter Bartholomew ‘Jack Barty’1888-1942, Hilda Bartholomew nee Holmes 1891 – ?…

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