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Arthur Charles Hurst
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Arthur Charles Hurst
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 5th April 1873, Hull, Yorkshire
Date and Place of Death: 10th September 1947, High Hesket
Nationality: British
Childhood: Eldest of 8 children
Parents: Charles Halford Hurst and Emily nee Barker
Parent’s occupations: Paper maker the grocer and shopkeeper
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Lithographer the grocer
Place of residence at Gretna: N/K
Job title at Gretna: N/K
Marital status: Married Annie Barker at Carlisle.
Children: At least 1.
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Arthur Charles Hurst was born on 5th April 1873 in Hull, Yorkshire, to Charles Halford Hurst and Emily nee Barker. He was the eldest of 8 children.
1881- living at head’s Nook, Cumberland. Father a ‘paper maker machine man’
1891- – Croft Head Cottage, Head’s Nook. Father a paper maker. Arthur a paper maker.
1901- Regent Terrace, Botchergate, Carlisle. Lithographic calendar machine minder. Father a grocer and shopkeeper.
1910- married Annie Barker at Carlisle
1911 – Carrock, Carlisle, 2 rooms. Calendar ma lithographer
WW1 – employed at H M Factory Gretna
1921- Arthur, Charles, Annie and Arthur Barker are on the record in Carlisle. Arthur listed as an ex-Gretna worker.
1939- 1 Blackwell Road, Carlisle. Grocer own employer.
10th September 1947 – died as reported below, of 48 Tullie Street, Carlisle
10th September 1947 of 48 Tullie Street Carlisle, died on the Penrith to Carlisle highway whilst cycling.
Penrith Observer - Tuesday 16 September 1947
“HIGH HESKET FATALITY An inquest was opened at Causeway House, High Hesket, on Mr. Arthur Charles Hurst, aged 74, a widower, who lived at Tullie Street, Carlisle. Mr. Hurst received fatal injuries while cycling on the main Carlisle-Penrith road near High Hesket on Wednesday afternoon. After evidence of identification the inquest was adjourned until Thursday.”
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