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Bernard Cunningham
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Bernard Cunningham
Gender Male
Date and place of birth 1860 Rathlee, Sligo, Ireland
Date and Place of Death: 1923 Sunderland
Nationality: Irish
Childhood Siblings not known . Irish father , Scottish mother
Parents Thomas and Sally Kilcullen
Parents occupations Not known
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation Painter and auctioneer
Place of residence at Gretna: N/K
Marital status Married Children At least 4 sons
Travels N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Bibliography Books published (Title, year of publication, publisher):
Books written about the individual or mentioning the individual (Title, year of publication, publisher): References
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Mini Biography
Bernard Cunningham 1860-1923
Bernard Cunningham was born in 1860 in Rathlee, Sligo, Ireland to Thomas and Sally nee Kilcullen. 1881- living at Front Street, Brampton, Cumberland. A painter aged 20 living with brother in law. 7th November 1885- married Elizabeth Hill at South Shields. Bernard described as a painter. 1891 – Front Street, Brampton. Actioneer.3 sons and a servant. 1894- listed in local directory of Front Street, Brampton 1898- listed in directory as auctioneer and appraiser “sales of every condition conducted” 1901- 21-23 Front Street, Painter and auctioneer. 4 sons 1911- Beech Grove, Brampton. 7 rooms. House painter WW1 a cordite checker of 1A West , listed with wife Elizabeth in local electoral register 1921 – Bernard and Elizabeth are on the record at Kirkandrews Nether . 1923- died in Sunderland aged 63