Reading England
Research kindly shared by Nigel Crompton, who is conducting a research project on WPS.
Name: Constance Kate King
DoB: 29 September 1884
Place of birth: Hemmingford Grey, Huntingdon
Parents: Robert William and Amy (nee Coote)
Parental Home: The Broadway, St Ives, Huntingdon
Siblings: Amy May (1880-1942), Alice Mary (1882-1930) Robert (1883-) Dorothea Emma (1886-)
Spouse: Never married
Date of Wedding: Not applicable
Children : Not applicable
Marital home(s) : Not applicable
Employment: Hospital Nurse
1911 Census: 79 Edith Road, West Kensington, London
Date of death: 12 January 1952
Location: 85 Tilehurst Road, Reading
But living at 62 Tliehurst Road, Reading
Gretna details
Name: Constance Kate King
Clock No
Date joining: Not known
Date leaving: Not known
Addresses: Women’s Police Barracks No2, Gretna
Rank on start: PC
Promotion: Not known
Career after: Sergeant – Oxfordshire Constabulary – stationed at Henley
1921 Census : Living at 33a Northfield End, Henley on Thames (see copy)
Addresses after Gretna
1937 – County Police Station Quarters, Oxford
1939 – 12B New Road, Oxford
1950 – 62 Tilehurst Road, Reading
Additional information
Constance was born into the family of Robert and Amy King. Robert was a successful auctioneer and estate agent living in St Ives, Huntingdonshire. She had four siblings. Constance on the 1911 census is shown as a Hospital Nurse, boarding in West Kensington. Why she became a police officer has not been discovered or when she joined the service at Gretna. After Gretna, Constance had a long career serving in the Oxfordshire County Constabulary in Henley onThames and based at Oxford probably covering the many small villages.She died in Reading, Berkshire in January 1952.
Reading England