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Edward James Manley
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Edward James Manley
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 20th December 1896, Tottenham, London
Date and Place of Death: N/K
Nationality: British
Childhood: 3rd of 6 born, 5 surviving.
Parents: Michael John and Alice nee Wilson
Parent’s occupations: Gas work stoker then dairyman
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Chemist
Place of residence at Gretna: 17-19 The Ridge, Eastriggs
Job title at Gretna: Chemist
Marital status: Married but details unknown. Perhaps to Olive?
Children: N/K
Travels: Emigrated to US – date unknown
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Edward James Manley was born on 20th December 1896 at Tottenham, London to Michael John and Alice nee Wilson.
1901- living at 55 Plevna Road, Tottenham. Father a gas stoker
1911- 42 Southey Road, South Tottenham. Father a dairyman. Edward the 3rd child of 6 born, 5 surviving.
WW1- employed at HM Factory, Gretna as a Chemist living at 17-19 The Ridge, Eastriggs. (Electoral Register)
24th July 1918 attested to The Royal Air Force.
Married Olive pre 1921 – not confirmed.
1939 – 9 Carlish Road, Willesden. Lodging, a chemist. Status is married.
Appears on US social security application, not dated as ‘legal alien’ and ‘alien not authorised to work.”
Death unknown
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