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Photo of Ellen Doran

Ellen Doran

Munitions Worker
Birthplace Whitehaven EnglandPlace of Death Whitehaven England Date of Birth: September 17, 1896 Date of Death: December 24, 1991


Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Ellen Doran
Gender: Female
Date and place of birth: 17th September 1896, Whitehaven
Date and Place of Death: 24th December 1991, Whitehaven
Childhood: Born to single parent then had step father and half siblings
Parents: Catherine Doran
Parents occupations: Not known
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Munition worker
Place of residence at Gretna:Not known
Marital status: Married
Children: Not known
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held

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Mini Biography
Ellen Doran 1896-1991

Ellen Doran /Doren was born on 17th September 1896 at Turner Court, Marlboro St, Whitehaven, Cumberland to Catherine Doran. Father unknown
1901 – living at 2 Allinson Place, Whitehaven – described as sister in law of head of house John William Anderson, fisherman, but in actual act is his step daughter
1911- mother listed as having had 7 children, including Ellen, 5 survived. All others have family name Anderson. Living at 1 Passage, Peter Lane, Whitehaven in 3 rooms
WW1 – employed at Gretna
The following unfortunate incident was reported in the Dumfries and Galloway Standard – Wednesday 21 February 1917
“THEFTS BY GRETNA GIRLS At Dumfries yesterday: —before Sheriff Campion-Lily Brown (20), Ellen Doran (19), Christina Lanagan (19)., Minnie Turnbull (18), and Isabella Kennedy (19), munition workers at Gretna, pleaded guilty to stealing nine cheese plates, two cans of corned beef, six boxes of honey, and three bottles of Worcester sauce from the shop at Springfield, Gretna, occupied by Baldi Toni between 5th January and 15th February. James Kissock, depute fiscal, stated that a large number of the factory girls were regular visitors at the fried fish shop, especially on Sunday evenings. One Sunday evening about five or six weeks ago the shop was full of girls, and someone blew out the lamp, with the result that the shop was in darkness for some time. On the following morning when Toni examined his stock he found that the articles mentioned in the complaint were missing. The accused were charged with the theft, and they all admitted it. Mr I. F. Edgar, solicitor, made a statement on behalf of the accused, and the Sheriff deferred sentence until May.”
July 9 (Q3) 1920 married Anthony Fisher at Whitehaven.
1939- 52, Crummock Avenue, Whitehaven Husband a colliery stone worker
24th December 1991 died at Whitehaven

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