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Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Ellen Ferry
Gender: Female
Date and place of birth: 7th November 1898, Millfield, Sunderland
Date and Place of Death: 1981, place unknown
Nationality: British
Childhood: Father died when a baby, mother remarried
Parents: Robert and Selina nee Corns
Parents occupations: Riveter
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: 1905- Rectory Park, 1906 – Garden Street Council School, 1907- Mixed department
Occupation: Munition worker
Place of residence at Gretna: Gordon Hut, Central Avenue, Gretna
Marital status: Not known
Children: Nine known
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N.K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information: Imprisoned for theft of a coat in 1917
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Mini Biography
Ellen Ferry 1898-1981
Ellen Ferry was born on 7th November 1898 at Millfield , Sunderland to Richard and Selina nee Corns
1899 – father died. He was a rivetter
1901 – at 10 Trimden Street, Sunderland with maternal grandparents
1905 Rectory Park School
1906 – started Garden Street Council School, Sunderland living at 22 Lambton Street
1907- Moved to mixed department
1911- Winters Terrace , Old Penshaw, Durham . Step daughter to head of household Nicholas Telford a coal miner shifter. 2 rooms – 7 people including 3 Telford children and a boarder
1917 – employed as munition worker at Gretna living at Gordon Hut, Central Avenue, Gretna
Dumfries and Galloway Standard – Saturday 17 March 1917
“ROBBING A FELLOW-WORKER- At Dumfries yesterday —before Sheriff Campion—Ellen Ferry (18), worker, Gordon Hut, Central Avenue, Gretna, pleaded guilty to stealing blue overcoat, the property of Nichol Brown, telegraph messenger, V Easy, Gretna, on 9th March. It was stated that the coat was stolen at the dance at Border Hall, Central Avenue. Accused was seen returning from the dance wearing the coat, and also seen with it next day by the sister of the girl to whom it belonged. . Sentence was deferred till 29th May”
1917 – imprisoned at Dumfries Prison ( Maxwelltown ) – source Find my past Scotland Court and Criminal data base prison
1921-Ellen, Nicholas, Selina and 3 others are on this record in Sunderland
Died in 1981 – no place or date available