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Emmanuel Bloxham
Cordite OperatorBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Emmanuel Bloxham
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 6th March 1879, Tingewick, Buckinghamshire
Date and Place of Death: 4th May 1945, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, Derby.
Nationality: British
Childhood: Emmanuel was born 1879 in Buckinghamshire village of Tingewick, his father was an agricultural labourer. In 1891 Emmanuel, his mother Elizabeth & sister Emma had moved to Northamptonshire, to Park House Farm, Astwell, with his father working as a farm labourer.
Parents: Joseph & Elizabeth Bloxham
Parent’s occupations:
Joseph worked as Farm Labourer
Elizabeth was a Lace Maker (1881 census)
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupational: Barman, Pub Manager. Later became a Process Man (Chemical Manufacturer Co).
Place of residence at Gretna: 3 S East
Job title at Gretna: Cordite Operator
Marital status: Married twice.
He married his first wife Dorothy Mary nee Tufnell on 24th December 1916 in Edmonton London. Sadly, Dorothy died in 1923.
On 23rd December 1933, Emmanuel marred his second wife Eva nee Byett in Cinderford, Gloucestershire.
Children: 2 children.
Travels: Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Emmanuel was born 1879 in Buckinghamshire village of Tingewick, his father was an agricultural labourer.
By 1891 Emmanuel, his mother Elizabeth & sister Emma had moved to Northamptonshire, to Park House Farm, Astwell, with his father working as a farm labourer.
In his 20’s Emmanuel moved to London, living & working as a barman at Norfolk Arms, Fulham (1901 census). He became pub manager of the Lord Raglan, Islington by 1911.
Emmanuel went onto work in the Chemical Process industry (1921 Process Man, 1939 Chargehand, Process Chemical Worker) after his time at H.M. Factory Gretna.
His 1st wife Dorothy died in 1923 (possibly childbirth, daughter Kathleen was born in the same quarter of the year), Emmanuel remarried in 1933 to Eva.
Emmanuel died in 1945, his wife Eva thanked his friends, family & workmates in the local newspaper, where Emmanuel worked for British Celanese (Chemical company), Derbyshire.
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