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Photo of Ethel Margaret Eliot-Lockhart

Ethel Margaret Eliot-Lockhart

Joint Superintendent
Birthplace Walthomstow, England Place of Residence at HM Factory Gretna The Hewke, Sibbaldie Date of Birth: September 3, 1854 Date of Death: April 14, 1921


Mrs Ethel Margaret Eliot-Lockhart nee Cotewise 1854-1921 


Ethel Margaret Cotewise was born in Walthamstow, on 3rd September 1854, the second child of eight eventual, to William Cotewise, Landowner JP and Adelaide nee Davis, daughter of a Sugar Refiner. Her parents married in Ilford in November 1852.  

Adelaide died in 1885 and the 63 year old William remarried  Lucy Matilda Gunning in 1891 in Winchester. He was living at The Worthy’s , King’s Worthy at the time.  

The Cotewise “ ancestral” home was Cowdenknowes, Earlston, Berwickshire.  

We know that the family moved northwards to live at Cowdenknowes by the time Ethel’s brother John was born in 1866 although the 1871 census indicated that a sister Adelaide C was born in 1870 in Bregenz , Austria and the family address was given as Oak Lodge, Clapham. William as head of the household was 44 and his wife 40.  

There is no information freely available about Ethel’s younger years.  

In 1885  Ethel’s mother died . She had given birth to an eighth child. 

Sadly Ethel’s mother would not live to see her married.  


The first time Ethel becomes prominent in the news is when she married at Winchester , Hampshire on 10th January 1889. This information is gleaned from a report in The Scotsman of Silver Wedding celebrations in 1914. 

Ethel married Richard Dundas Eliot-Lockhart , son of Mr Allan Eliot-Lockart and Charlotte Dundas of Borthwickbrae, Roxburghshire and Cleghorn. There is detailed ancestral history at http://www.historyofparliamentonline They were married in Hampshire. 

Richard’s father was an advocate, his grandfather had been a member of parliament and Cleghorn was handed to the family in the mid 16th century. 

It is not clear how Ethel and Richard met but it is probable that they would both attend society events in the Scottish Borders. Richard had a distinguished military career and was a colonel in the Royal Artillery from at least 1882 where there is evidence of military medals.  

Ethel was 35 at the time of her marriage and Richard, born in 1842 , one of 12 children, was 47. 

In 1893, Ethel had her first child, a daughter, Lillias Charlotte born in France , a British subject ( indicated on 1901 census) 

A second daughter , Margaret Ethel arrived on 1st July 1894. 

The 1901 census places the family at Ruthelpie, Mucross, St Andrew’s and St Leonard’s, Fife. Lillias, 8, Margaret , 6, and four servants- two female and two male. Richard is listed as Retired Colonel. 59.  

In 1905, Ethel’s father died in Hampshire having lived to see Ethel married and to know that he had two granddaughters.  

The Eliot-Lockharts must have moved from Fife to “The Hewke”, Sibbaldie, Lockerbie, Dumfrieshire between 1901 and 1906 because it is at this time there are numerous entries and reports in both ‘The Scotsman’ and ‘The Dumfries and Galloway Advertiser.’ 

For instance:- The Scotsman Wednesday 7th February 1906 “ Colonel Eliot-Lockhart, The Hewke, recommends groom 25 bachelor, ride and drive.”   

The Scotsman Saturday 25th May 1907 “ Lady recommends young ladies maid, good worker, hair dresser. Mrs R Eliot- Lockhart, The Hewke , Lockerbie. 

Sadly it appears that new houses are now on the site of The Hewke. 

There are many reports of the local Fox hunt and Otter hunt being hosted by the Colonel and his wife at  The Hewke. 

In 1909 we get an insight into Ethel’s political views and leanings regarding the suffrage movement. 

The Scotsman of Monday 13th September 1909 reported An anti suffrage meeting held at The Hewke at the invitation of Col and MRs Eliot Lockhart. 

“ ANTI-SUFFRAGE MEETING AT LOCKERBIE-On the invitation of Colonel and Mrs Eliot-Lockhart, The Hewke, Lockerbie, about one hundred of the county gentry attended a garden party in the grounds of The Hewke on Saturday afternoon. The gathering took place under the auspices of the Women’s Anti-Suffrage League, and was one of a series conducted by Mr and Mrs Harold Morris , London and Mr Maconachie, barrister at law, London. Mrs Morris strongly denounced the suffragists and likewise their objective. She contended that women could not alter their intuitions, their prestige, and commence to think as man without doing their sex irretrievable injury. Moreover, the majority of women did not want the vote, and in spite of what the opposition said, she could prove it, for she had investigated this side of the question thoroughly. Mrs Maconachie said they did not want this “ prodigious revolution,” and they were not going to have it. The fact was that they could not get over the edicts of nature. Women were superior in some respects, but decidedly inferior in others. It was domestic superiority, political inferiority in the case of woman as a whole: and there were other dangers. At the close a resolution against Women’s suffrage was carried unanimously.” 


The 1911 census places Ethel ,now 57 ,staying with her unmarried sister Lillias at 45 Westminster Mansions l, Great Smith St, Both listed as on Private Means . This is an elegant apartment block ( Google maps) . Number 45 had 6 rooms occupied normally by Lillias and her cook who was a 25 years old widow.  

Richard was also in London when the 1911 census was taken- a Retired colonel aged 69 . He was staying at the Westminster Palace Hotel , 4 Victoria Street.  

It is unclear why Ethel and Richard were both in London. The census return was made in April 1911 and the Coronation of George V and Mary was to be held in June. Perhaps the two could be linked.  

No return for either of the daughters  can be found for 1911. Lillias Charlotte would have been 18 and Margaret Ethel 16 or 17. It is possible that they were away at school.  


Ethel is certainly back in Scotland by 19th July 1911 because she is reported in ‘The Scotsman’ of 20th July 1911 as having been at the court of their majesties. The newly crowned Royals held a reception and some sort of investiture  at Holyrood Palace , Edinburgh on the 19th July. ‘The Scotsman’ allowed a whole page spread to describe what every female who attended was wearing.  

We learn that Ethel was accompanied by her elder daughter. . 

20th July 1911 Dresses worn at court to greet their majesties – Mrs and Miss described in Scotsman  

“THE DRESSES WORN AT COURT The following are descriptions of gowns worn by ladies who lad the  he honour of appearing at their Majesties’ Court yesterday evening : —“…

“…Mrs R . Eliott – Lockhart , The Hewke , near Lockerbie—Gown of apricot-coloured brocade , with over-dress of black chiffon trimmed gold , and Limerick lace ; train of black velvet covered with veil of Limerick lace . Miss Lillias Eliott-Lockhart—White satin with over-dress ‘ of white ninon with bead fringe trimming ; train of old Honiton lace over white chiffon.


The Royal visit to Scotland- Holyrood was  reported in Waterford Standard 19th July 1911.

 January 10th 1914 was the date of Ethel and Richard’s Silver wedding celebration at The Hewke and extensively reported in:- 

Dumfries and Galloway Standard - Saturday 10 January 1914 


“SILVER WEDDING OF COLONEL Eliott-Lockhart. Colonel and Mrs Eliott-Lockhart, The Hewke, celebrated their silver .Saturday. The marriage took place on 10th January, Kingsworthy Parish Church, Hampshire, of Colonel Eliott-Lockhart, son of Mr Allan Eliott- IkkUliart, of Borthwickbrae, Roxburghshire, and Cleghorn. Lanarkshire, and Miss Ethel Margaret daughter of William Cotesworth, formerly of Cowdenknowes, Berwickshire, at the that time being stationed at Woolwich with the Horse Artillery. It was a happy idea of Colonel and Mrs Eliott-Lockhart, who are greatly respected in the district, that the event should celebrated with a treat the children, which took place Sibbaldbie School. The accommodation the building was taxed to the utmost the large company which had assembled, proportion grown-up friends being also present. The schoolroom was decorated for the occasion, the windows being brightened with evergreens, while flags were hung with pleasing effect on the walls. Colonel and Mrs Eliott- Lockhart were accompanied by their two daughters, and Captain Whigham, who is a visitor at The Hewke, and Mrs R. Jardine-Paterson, Balgray. The proceedings were inaugurated with few words of welcome from Colonel Eliott- Lockhart. who spoke of the interesting auspices under which they were met, remarking that he and Mrs Eliott-Lockhart were in the happy position of having had twenty-five years married life. Thereafter all present were entertained tea with the usual accompaniment of good things. Another treat, however, was eagerly anticipated, this being the dismantling a gigantic Christmas tree, which was laden with articles of all descriptions pleasing to the youthful taste, while the elder people were the recipients also useful presents. Mrs Eliott- Lockhart happy manner presentation gave additional enjoyment to the guests. Additional gifts were presented to the Sunday School scholars. The conclusion the distribution was heralded with the playing of all manner musical instruments, and after spell of musical competition the children, accompanied Miss Douglas the piano, sang Christmas hymn with ranch heartiness. In a few happy words Miss Douglas moved a vote thanks to Colonel and Mrs Eliott-Lockhart for their kindness, after which Miss Nellie Carmichael, one the scholars, in nice little speech, presented Mrs Elioit-Lockhart with a beautiful silver inkstand, expressing the wish that she and her husband would have many more years of happiness.. Mrs Eliott-Lockhart returned thanks in a few’ words, saving how delighted she was receive such handsome present, and how much she was indebted them for their kindness, had been in their midst for a considerable time, ami during all that period they had received nothing hut kindness. A musical program, to which the children and others contributed, was then entered upon, everyone being delighted with the happy function. the evening was given to the servants and a number friends. This event was also greatly enjoyed, the dancing being merrily kept up till twelve o’clock, to music provided by Miss Douglas, Mrs Callander, and T. Rogerson. interval tea was served those present. 


This report conjures an absolutely wonderful image of the couple’s standing in the community and how seemingly happy they were.  


We know that Ethel of the Hewke was one of the joint superintendents at HM Factory Gretna which could only have been from 1916 to possibly 1919 but more likely 1918.  Considering her background, age- 62 , and community standing she was possibly invited to the role in an honorary/consultative way. I have no evidence for this. With the earlier insight into her political views  it is impossible to ignore that possibility that she was approached by the Ministry of Munitions to add some counterbalance  the rising suffrage movement amongst young women of the time.  


We know that at least one of the daughters was still at home at The Hewke in 1917 because it was reported in The Scotsman that a car, driven by Miss Eliot-Lockhart , knocked a little boy over. It was an accident caused by his ball going into the road. “ no blame attaches to the driver” “ The little fellow was rendered unconscious, being severely cut on the head. He was attended by Dr Bell and the accident had not turned out so serious as was first thought.” 

In 1919 following the end of the war and presumably Ethel’s time serving the war effort for H M Factory Gretna, Lillias the elder daughter married on 11th June from The Hewke.  

Lillias, 26 married Group Captain Robert Hamilton Clark Hall . Robert was a member of a longstanding distinguished military family from New Zealand. hold information about the Clark Halls on their online cenotaph. Robert’s father had commanded HMS Ark Royal in 1915-16. Indeed Lillias eventually became Lady Clark Hall.  

In less than 12 months, Ethel was widowed. Richard of The Hewke, Sibbaldie died on 22nd April 1920 . His death registration shows he was 78 and died of heart disease which he had suffered from for some years .  Robert was buried in Sibbaldie Churchyard. 

His will dated 1918 lists many investments in worldwide companies such as Australian mining , Electric light companies and many companies that had been wound up. He did not leave Ethel with more than £4,500.  

At his death, Richard must have known that his daughter Lillias was expecting her first child. She had a son, John “Pat” Clark Hall in August 1920. Some joy for Ethel as she mourned the loss of Richard. 

Lillias, her husband and baby lived at North Queensferry near Edinburgh at the time.  

Tragically, Ethel aged 66 died at their home , “Craigdhu” , N Queensferry, the following year. Her death registration states that she died on 14th April 1921 but her usual residence was the Old Rectory, Ropley. Hampshire. She died of a cerebral haemorrhage.  

The speedy announcement in the Scotsman of her intended burial at Sibbaldie Churchyard the following day at 11.30 informed people of this sudden death. 

Lillias went on to have a second son  Robert William in 1923. Tragically he was killed in action in North Morocco on 15th June 1944 and is buried out there at Cape Tres Forcas. He was a pilot in the new Zealand Royal Air Force.( 

We also know that Ethel’s daughter Margaret Ethel married a military man in 1925 – Captain Patrick Kinlock Campbell. A new Zealander. There is a detailed account of this marriage on including guest list and that they honeymooned in New Zealand and Canada. 

It does not appear that they had any children.  

Lillias and Robert moved to New Zealand in the mid 1930s. They are listed on the electoral register for 1931 as living at Nutfield Priory, Redhill, Surrey. This is now a luxury hotel and spa. 



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