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Prestwich England
N West 5
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): James Dugdale Rothwell
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 28/5/1893 Prestwich, Lancashire (2) (4) (5)
Baptised 25/6/1893 at Holy Trinity, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire (2)
Date and Place of Death: 29/9/1942 aged 49 at Southport, Lancashire (5) (10) (6)
Buried at Ramsbottom Cemetery, Bury, Lancashire (10)
Nationality: British
6 siblings, one died in childhood- (1) (9) (3) Elizabeth Ann born 1892
Katie born 1895
Ellen born 1899
Richard born 1897
Edith born 1906
Parents: Father: James Brook Rothwell born 1866 in Salford (1)
Mother: Ellen Dugdale born 1866 in Preston , Lancashire (1)
Parent’s occupations: Father was a dyers engineer (1)
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance:
Occupation: Chemist (11)
Place of residence at Gretna: 2, Dunedin Road, Eastriggs (12)
Job title at Gretna: Chemist (11)
Marital status: Married
Spouse name (including male name): 1st wife Sarah Ethel Wright born 1890, Wrexham, Denbighshire (2) Died 31/8/1927 (9)(10)
2nd wife Myfanwy Wright born 29/12/1891, Wrexham, Denbighshire (4)(5) Died 21/2/1971 (5)(6)
Date of marriage: 1st 16/12/1916 (11)
Place/Parish of marriage: Dr. Richard Memorial Chapel, Llangollen, Corwen, Merionethshire.
Date of marriage: 2nd 1928
Place of marriage: Bury, Lancashire
Children: To Sarah, James Thomas Rothwell born 1918 at Eastriggs (12)(8)
Trevor Wright Rothwell born 13/11/1924 at Corwen (2)(4)(9)
Awards/recognitions: Medals from WW1 – Victory Medal and British War Medal
Trivia / any other information: He joined the Royal Engineers and was admitted to the 4th Stationary Hospital hospital suffering from the effects of gas, discharged on 1/10/1915.
Although both of his wives share the same surname and they were born in the same area, I can find no evidence of them being related.
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Prestwich England
N West 5