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Johnstone Jardine
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Johnstone Jardine
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 2nd September 1888, Annan, Dumfriesshire
Date and Place of Death: 15th August 1972, Eton, Buckinghamshire.
Nationality: British
Childhood: There was a number of siblings (1911 census, Johnstone parents had 13 children with 11 children living).
Parents: Joseph & Mary Jane nee Bound
Parent’s occupations: Joseph Jardine was a farmer at Croftheads Farm, Annan, Dumfriesshire.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Joiner
Place of residence at Gretna: 4 I Eastriggs
Job title at Gretna: Joiner
Marital status: Married Marriane Smith on 29th April 1914 in Dornock, Dumfriesshire
Children: 1921 there were 4 children listed.
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Johnstone was a carpenter/joiner all his working life, including working as a joiner for HM Gretna.
From a large family, originally having 12 siblings, Johnstone lost 3 brothers, 2 of which during WW1 (family grave in Annan Cemetery (Border E.3) not including Johnstone).
Johnstone married a local girl Marianne in 1914 and didn’t leave the area till after 1921 (census), where Johnstone was still working at HM Gretna.
The family moved to Buckinghamshire (1939 Register the address was 18 Arthurs Road, Slough), here Johnstone worked as a joiner.
Although Johnstone death entry states he died at Eton, his address was still 18 Arthurs Road, Slough.
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