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Photo of Maggie Oxley

Maggie Oxley

Munition worker


Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Maggie Oxley


Gender: Female

Date and Place of Birth: 1899 Jarrow

Date and Place of Death: N/K

Nationality: British


Childhood: Eldest of 2 girls


Parents: George W and Catherine


Parent’s occupations: Ship plater’s labourer


Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K


Occupation:  Munition worker


Place of residence at Gretna: N/K


Job title at Gretna: Munition worker


Marital status: N/K


Children: N/K


Travels: N/K


Awards/recognitions: N/K


Trivia / any other information:

Maggie Oxley was born in Jarrow, Durham in 1899 to George W and Catherine.


1901- living at 24 Heburnian Road, Jarrow, S Shields. Father a platers labourer, ship. Eldest of 2 girls.


WW1 – employed at H M Factory, Gretna as described in the report below.


Shields Daily Gazette – Monday 16 April 1917

“JARROW GIRL IN TROUBLE Maggie Oxley (18 ). was remanded by the Jarrow magistrates yesterday on a charge of theft. Supt. Yeandle stated that Oxley belonged to Jarrow, but had been working at Gretna. Information was received from police that money and clothing to the value of £10 had been stolen and that Oxley had absconded. The whole of the clothing and part of the money been had been recovered An escort was coming for Oxley.”


1921- Margaret, Richard William and Thomas are on the record in South Shields.




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