Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) :Maria Clennett
Gender: Female
Date and place of birth: 14th June 1895, Middlesborough
Date and Place of Death: January 1977, Scarborough
Childhood: Only girl of 5
Parents: William G and Jane nee Pickering
Parents occupations: Tailor
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: None known
Occupation: Laundrymaid
Place of residence at Gretna:Possibly a hostel
Marital status: Unmarried
Children: None
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Maria was born deaf and dumb ( 1911 census)
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Mini biography
Maria Clennett 1895 -1977
Maria was the only girl born to tailor William G Clennett and Jane nee Pickering. She was born on 14th June 1895 in Middlesborough and was deaf and dumb from birth , ( 1911 census).
In 1891 her parents lived at 18 Shakespeare St., Middlesbrough.
1901 – living at the same address, mother now a widow and working as a charwoman with 4 children at home / B/B/G/B
1911- living at 31 Jubilee St, N Ormesby, N Riding. With mother and 3 brothers. Puzzling that a younger child Benjamin aged 6 is listed when mother was a widow in 1901 and is still a widow although there is a death registration fro William G Clennett in 1922
Maria clearly listed as deaf and dumb from birth.
War years sent at Gretna.
1921 – Maria, Salt C and Charles are listed at an address in Middlesborough. Maria is listed as an ex Gretna worker. Being deaf and dumb she would have been able to work as a munitionette if shown what to do or as a laundry maid or similar.
1939- a laundry maid living with her mother at 47 Myrtle St, Middlesborough. Unmarried.
Maria died in January 1977 in Scarborough.