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Mary Jane Bryant
VAD at GretnaBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Mary Jane Bryant
Gender: Female
Date and place of birth: October 1890
Date and Place of Death: Not known Aberdeenshire or New South Wales
Nationality: British
Childhood: Middle of 5
Parents: James and Sabina nee Johnson
Parents occupations: Solway fisherman then shepherd
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Nurse
Place of residence at Gretna: Rockcliffe, Carlisle , Cumberland
Marital status: Married
Children: At least one daughter
Travels: Emigrated to Australia with Australian husband and travelled back to Rockcliffe in 1931
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
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Websites about the individual: gretna Card?hosp= &id=15864
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Mini Biography
Mary Jane Bryant 1890
Mary Jane Bryant was born in October 1890 at Rockcliffe near Carlisle to James and Sabina nee Johnson.
1891-living at School Lane, Rockcliffe. Father a fisherman.
1901- middle child of 5 living at Cottage, Rockcliffe Cross, father a shepherd.
1911-aged 20 employed in dairy work on a farm. Father a shepherd living at Rockcliffe.
25th March 1915 – engaged with Red. Ross in an unpaid capacity
August 1918 – work with Red Cross terminated.
Red Cross records show that she was” a nurse working at Cumberland VAD from January 1914. H Work ( Claremont Aux.Hpl) (1st North Gene Newcastle: left 25/08=0/1916 ( then 1st Aid Room: Gretna Factory “
Address Rockcliffe, Carlisle
April 1919 married James Wylie McRonald, an Australian , at Carlisle. Perhaps he was also a Gretna.
19th June 1919 husbands service record states that he sailed back with his wife.
1919 electoral register places them in Atherton , New South Wales.
1923 – listed in a directory in New South Wales, Australia
1930 electoral register for Katoomba New South Wales
1931 – sailed with daughter Sabina from Australia to visit Todhills Farm, Blackmore, Carlisle ( her parents home)
1932 – sailed back to Sidney with 11 year old Sabina, Mary Jane described as a nurse
No evidence of date and place of death.
Sabina McRonald married in Carlisle and a Mary Jane McRonald lived and died in Aberdeenshire