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Carlisle England
Carlisle England
Gender: Female
Date and Place of Birth: 11 March 1892 Carlisle
Date and Place of Death: Mary died in Carlisle 1974
Nationality: British
Childhood: Mary grew up in Carlisle, the eldest of 8 children:
Parents: James Patrick and Margaret Cookson
Parent’s occupations: James was a Joint Maker for a Railway company
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: Nil known
Occupation: Weaver at a cotton mill
Place of residence at Gretna: Not known
Job title at Gretna: Looking at uniform in photograph its likely Mary worked in the cordite factory.
Marital status: 1922 Mary married George Frederick Hutton in Carlisle
Children: George and Mary had 4 children:
Frederick 1924
Beatrice Cookson 1925
James 1928
Audrey 1931
Travels: Nil known
Awards/recognitions: Nil known
Trivia / any other information:
Bibliography Nil known
Further links, notes, and comments:
Information from a family email, August 2021: ‘She worked in the munitions factory and after that she married and raised her 4 children before becoming a shop cleaner in serval shop and worked as a pub cleaning and glass collector before finally become a barmaid in the magpie pub in Botcherby in Carlisle before retiring
I’ve also been able to come across a few photographs of her… from before starting at the factory, one pic of her In her work uniform for the factory as well, I’ve also came across a picture of her husband George and also got a picture of her parents a swell, all of which I’ve attached to this email.’
1st photo — Mary’s parents
2nd photo — Mary’s husband, George
3rd/4th photo — Mary in factory uniform
5th photo — Mary before the factory.
Carlisle England
Carlisle England