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A colourful display of recycled materials.

Climate Change Project Exhibition

By Current Exhibition

The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s climate change project has been involving the local community in a variety of workshops and activities to raise awareness of climate change; highlighting the actions that we can take to reduce our impact on the environment. This includes working with local schools, a bee celebration day and upcycling activities held at The Devil’s Porridge Museum last year. You can learn more about what has been happening as part our climate change project in the exhibition itself.

We are proud to have worked with Riley, The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s Young Curator on this exhibition. Riley designed his own panel for the exhibition. He also helped us to install the exhibition. Below is a photo of him and the panel he designed.

Riley, The Devil's Porridge Museum's curator stood next to the exhibition panel he designed.

A piece of artwork created as an outcome of an upcycling workshop with young people and artist, Gail McGregor is also on display.

You can help us to build a better world by sharing what you do to tackle climate change as part of your visit. From recycling to making sure that you turn off the light when you leave a room, even the smallest of actions can help to make a difference.

Although the exhibition itself may be temporary, we hope that the changes that have been applied with Museum Galleries Scotland generous support will have a lasting permeant impact; helping to make The Devil’s Porridge Museum more sustainable. The Devil’s Porridge Museum has had solar panels installed as part of this project and is proud to recycle were possible. The display panels used in this exhibition are recyclable.

To celebrate Earth Day, The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s Volunteer and Youth Council member Calum wrote a blog post about how The Devil’s Porridge Museum is trying to help save the planet. Please click here to read this blog post>

A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part in the activities run as part of our climate change project.

Below are some photos of our climate change project exhibition being installed.

This exhibition was created as part of our Climate Change Project. A huge thank you to Museum Galleries Scotland for their generous support of this project.

The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s admission prices and usual opening hours apply.

A collage of three photos. Two of the museum's cordite club and one of a Christmas tree inside The Devil's Porridge Museum. It features some text which reads "Monthly Roundup. 20th November 2023 - 17th December 2023."

Monthly Roundup – 20th November – 17th December 2023

By News

It’s time for our last Monthly Roundup of 2023! Read more to catch up with what’s been going on at The Devil’s Porridge Museum in our Monthly Roundup 20th November – 17th December 2023.

Monday 20th November

Arts and Crafts club were back in The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. It was brilliant to see the young people there being so creative! Read more about Arts and Crafts club here>

Monday 27th November

Fantastic to have Cordite Club back in The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. Learn more about cordite club here>

We were delighted to welcome our local nursery, Eastriggs and Dornock Early Years to sing some songs our cordite club. We particularly enjoyed ‘Ye Cannea Shove Yer Granny Aff A Bus’. A huge thank you to them all for joining us and their beautiful singing. Below are some photos of this.

Later we also had arts and crafts club for young people at The Devil’s Porridge Museum.  Read more about Arts and Crafts club here>

Thursday 30th November 

Today we had a talk given by Bruce Keith where he presented his book ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ which was very interesting. A huge thank you to him for doing this. You can read more about this event here>

Another thank you to everyone who joined us for this.

A purple rectangle shaped book with the title "Are we nearly there yet?" The Devil's Porridge Museum's Café can be seen in the background.

Saturday 2nd December.

Today it snowed (just a wee bit) and The Devil’s Porridge Museum remained open as usual. Below are some beautiful snowy photos taken by Museum Assistant, Emily. A thank you to her for sharing these photos with us.

Monday 4th December

It was our last Cordite Club of 2023 today. This meant that everything was very festive from raffle prizes to room decorations and there were even Christmas crackers! They had lovely music for played for them. Father Christmas himself popped by to check out if the members of our Cordite Club had been naughty or nice! He did have some presents to give out too! Below are some photos of this.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with Cordite Club this year. A special mention goes to Eleanor and Shelia who always spend a lot of time and care organising each session of Cordite Club!

Learn more about Cordite Club here>

Arts and Crafts Club was on again today. They did some colouring in today! Read more about Arts and Crafts club here>

Wednesday 6th December

Instead of giving each other Christmas cards  in the museum each year we hang tags with Christmas wishes on a Christmas tree and collect donations. Museum trustee, Eleanor has also made her own knitted snowmen and Christmas puddings, which have been sold in the museum. This year both of these things raised a total of £60 that we were decided to give to Eastriggs and Dornock Early Years. We were delighted to do this today and it was wonderful to be treated to some lovely songs while we were there! Thank you to them for singing to us.

Thursday 7th December

Today we were pleased to welcome another school to The Devil’s Porridge Museum today.  Read more about school visits here>

This year the 7th December is Christmas jumper day. As it’s our last week before The Devil’s Porridge Museum closes for Christmas, our team have been wearing their Christmas jumpers all week!

Monday 11th December

The Devil’s Porridge Museum and the museum’s café is now closed for the festive season to give our volunteers a well earned break! We will be re-opening on Monday 8th January 2024.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us this year!

We were also proud to have a visit from a local nursery today. Thanks to them for coming!

The last arts and crafts club of the year also happened today. It was brilliant to have the young people joining us for this for some festive crafts. Below are some photos of what they made this week.

Thursday 13th December

Today The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s Youth and Community Engagement Officer went to a local school with some objects to talk to some of the pupils there.

Friday 15th December

Time for our annual Children’s Christmas Party! It was fantastic to see the young people their enjoying themselves. Photos of this event have now been added below!

And that’s it! Our last Monthly Roundup of 2023! As always you can check out last month’s Monthly Roundup here and keep up to date with everything that’s happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum on social media.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone who celebrates a very merry festive season and a Happy New Year! The Devil’s Porridge Museum will be open again on Monday 8th January 2024 and we’ll see you in January for our next Monthly Roundup. In the meantime stay safe and enjoy yourself!



A collage of three photos of what has been happening at The Devil's Porridge Museum. They feature some kids dressed up at our Halloween party, a our animals in war memorial with a dog next to it for our animals in war remembrance service and a assortment of festive tombola prizes for our Cordite club. Some text reads "Monthly Roundup 23rd October 2023 to 19th November 2023."

Monthly Roundup – 23rd October – 19th November 2023

By News

Keep up to date with what’s been happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum with our Monthly Roundup for 23rd October 2023 to 19th November 2023. We were proud to remember all those animals and people who served in war in November. Read more about this and everything else that’s been happening below.

Monday 23rd October

The second week of October half term continued with some spooky Halloween monster crafts at The Devil’s Porridge Museum.  Today the made spiders pumpkins and more. It was fang-tastic to see all the young people there being so creative! Take a look at some of the photos below.

Tuesday 24th October

It was time for our next Halloween workshop and this time the young people were making haunting Halloween lanterns. Photos of this event are coming soon.

Wednesday 25th October

Time for a Halloween wreath making workshop. These were perfect for the young people who came along to use to decorate their house! Photos of this event are coming soon!

Thursday 26th October

It’s been fantastic to have so many young people join us to enjoy our free October holiday workshops. Today was no different with some pumpkin painting in The Devil’s Porridge Museum. The pumpkins the young people painted were spook-tacular! Photos of this event our coming soon!

Friday 27th October

On Friday was our spook-tacular annual Halloween party for young people! There was lots to enjoy from some treats to eat to guessing the number of sweets in the glass and going around the museum in the dark to find our resident spook Sam (who only comes out for Halloween). We think everyone looked very spooky and it was very hard to choose winners for our best dressed costume contest! There was also a best dressed mummy contest (don’t worry we let the people back out of their bandages at the end!).

A selection of photos of the frightful fun can be seen below! We would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped out with our October holiday workshops this year and all those who came along to them!

Saturday 28th October

Today marked our last gardening club of the year. A huge thank you to all the young people who came along for all their help in our garden. We hope to see you again next year!

Another huge thank you to Wendy for all our hard work on this.

Monday 30th October

Today our Cordite Club got crafty! They were making Halloween lanterns this week. It was great to have them back in the museum again today. As always a huge thank you to Shelia and Eleanor for all their hard work on this! Learn more about Cordite Club here>

Our term time Arts and Crafts Club for young people was back again today. Read more about this here>

Monday 6th November

Fantastic to have another school visiting us today. It was brilliant to have them and there are some photos of their visit below. You can learn more about school visits here>

Our Arts and Crafts club was on again today. Learn more about this here>

Friday 10th November

Today we held our Animals in War Remembrance Service at 11am. We were proud to remember with  local schools and animals. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this.

A poster for our 'Animals in War Remembrance Service' with a photo of a dog next to a stone memorial to animals in war. There are three wreaths in front of animals in war memorial.


Saturday 11th November

Today we were proud to join people across the country in holding a 2 minute silence to mark Armistice Day. Thank you to everyone who joined us to remember the people and animals who served and sacrificed so much during wartime.

Sunday 12th November

We were proud to hold a 2 minute silence at The Devil’s Porridge Museum to mark Remembrance Sunday today.

Representatives of The Devil’s Porridge Museum were proud to be laying wreaths at Eastriggs and Dornock war memorial today.

Monday 13th November

We had our Cordite Club back in The Devil’s Porridge Museum on Monday 13th November.

Another huge thank you to Eleanor and Sheila for making this happen! Today they had lots of fantastic Christmas themed prizes in their tombola, which are in the photos below. Thank you to the people who donated these prizes.

Learn more about our Cordite Club here>

We also had our Arts and Crafts club on again today. The young people were making Christmas decorations out of popsicle sticks, including wee Christmas trees and snowflakes. It was fantastic to see what they were creating.  Learn more about Arts and Craft club here>

Our café Christmas menu is also available from today! Why not pop in the café and treat yourself to a festive toasted baguette with your choice of fillings from Tukey & Trimmings OR Brie & Cranberry Sauce for £6.95? Our Christmas menu is served from 10:30am to 2:00pm and will be available until Monday 10th December 2023. Our café also now has it’s own Facebook page. You can find it here>

Wednesday 15th November.

Today we had a coach visit The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It was lovely to have them, but here’s a quick reminder that it is essential for you to book your group visit in advance. Please read more about group visits here>


That’s all for this Monthly Roundup! We’ll be back in December for the last Monthly Roundup of 2023 (where has this year gone?). Please feel welcome to check out our previous Monthly Roundup in the meantime here> You can also keep up to date with what’s happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum on our social media pages here>

A quick heads up! We do close over Christmas from 11th December 2023, so that our team can have a well earned break! Don’t worry we’ll be sure to post this on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our website, as well as information about when re-open on 8th January 2024!

Poster for the Children's Christmas Party 2023. This poster reads "Children's Christmas Party Friday 15th December 2023 6pm-7pm Join us for party games and to meet Santa at our Children's Christmas Party! For children from 4 to 11 years old. Places are limited. Booking is essential. Book on our website." It also includes The Devil's Porridge Museum's logo and some festive photos, including some of children having fun at last years Christmas Party.

Children’s Christmas Party 2023

By Events

Friday 15th December 2023

6pm – 7pm

Join us for party games and to meet Santa at our free Children’s Christmas Party! This is for young people aged 4 – 11 years old.

Places are limited.

Booking is essential to secure your place.

To book your place please click on the “book now” tab at the side of the screen or click on “book online” in our top navigation bar. You should find the ‘Children’s Christmas Party 2023’ event listed there.

If you are unable to attend this event after booking a place please contact the museum by emailing or calling 01461 700021 with as much notice as possible. Thank you.

Below are some photos from last years’ Children’s Christmas Party.




A collage of three photos representing the museum's cordite club of retirees, the thistle awards and The Solway Hoard Exhibition. Text on this reads "Monthly Roundup 25th September to 22nd October 2023."

Monthly Roundup – 25th September – 22nd October 2023

By News

Catch up with all that has been happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum in our latest Monthly Roundup! From the thistle awards to a new exhibition. Read it all below.

Monday 25th September 

Arts and Crafts club continued today. It’s always fantastic to see the young people there getting creative. Read more about Arts and Crafts club here>

Saturday 30th September

Today marked the end of the ‘Rutherglen Ladies F.C.: The Hidden History of James H Kelly’s trailblazers’ exhibition at The Devil’s Porridge Museum. We were proud to have this touring exhibition from The Scottish Football Museum at The museum.

We have a new exhibition ‘The Solway Hoard’ coming very soon! You can see the poster for The Solway Hoard exhibition below. Learn more about our current exhibition here>

Our gardening club is also on on Saturdays. Learn more about this here>

Monday 2nd October 

Cordite club was in The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. For entertainment today they had a singer to listen to. Thanks very much to them for doing this. Another huge thank you to Shelia and Eleanor. Learn more about Cordite club here>

In the afternoon, Art and crafts club was on again. This week they made beautiful cards! Read more about this here>

The 2nd of October also marked the start of our fascinating new exhibition ‘The Solway Hoard.’ It will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until 11th December 2023. Learn more about our latest exhibition here>

Here are some behind the scenes photos of The Solway Hoard exhibition being installed.

Thursday 5th October

We were delighted to join all the other nominees at the regional final for the Thistle Awards in South West Scotland today. We’re thrilled to have won Celebrating Thriving Communities Award 2023 at The South of Scotland Thistle awards regional final!!! Well done to all those who were shortlisted and congratulations to all the winners.

Read more about this and check out some more of our photos here>

Saturday 7th October

Gardening club took place again today. There’s only a few more gardening clubs left this year so a huge thank you to everyone who has joined us this year for gardening club and as always to Wendy! Read more about gardening club here>

Monday 9th October

Today we had Cordite Club back in The Devil’s Porridge Museum. Today they enjoyed some cheese and beans on a jacket potato. They also played cards and had a beetle drive Learn more about about Cordite club here>

Thank you to Eleanor and Sheila for all their time they spend and work they do to arrange and host Cordite club!

Later on today it was time for another of our term time Arts and Crafts clubs. This week they made spook-tacular trick or treat bags. Perfect for Halloween! Arts and Crafts club will be back again after October half term. In the meantime there were lots of other activities going on for young people to enjoy.

Tuesday 10th October

Today we were delighted to have a beautiful banner dedicated to remembering the animals and people that fought during wartime brought into the museum. It was made by pupils at Eastriggs Primary School and Irene Dolderson. A huge thank you to them for making it. It will be on display in The Devil’s Porridge Museum in November, so be sure to come along and see it for yourself!

Friday 13th October

It may be Friday 13th, but nothing too spooky happened in The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. Our youth council had a meeting to discuss their ideas.

Monday 16th October

It was fantastic to have a school visit from High Hesket Primary School with us at The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. They were all very well behaved! Learn more about school visits here>

Wednesday 18th October

Our October holiday workshops started today with our Upcycling workshop were young people could create a fish in danger of extinction. Thank you to artist Gail McGregor for this and all the people who came along to this event. It was great to see what the young people created.

This event took place as part of our climate change project. With thanks to our funders Museums Galleries Scotland for their generous support of this project.


Today was certainly a very busy day at The Devil’s Porridge Museum! As it was great to have another two group visits with us. It is essential for group visits to be booked in advance. Read more about group visits here>

Thursday 19th October

There was a creative writing workshops on today. Thanks for everyone who joined us for Creative Writing workshop: Waste Stories.

This event took place as part of our climate change project. With thanks to our funders Museums Galleries Scotland for their generous support of this project.


And that’s it for this month’s Monthly Roundup! Thanks for reading! Join us in November for our next Roundup in the meantime you can check out the last Monthly Roundup here>  We have a host of Halloween activities still to come during the October holidays and you can take a look at what’s happening here>




A poster listing the October Holidays workshops that happened at The Devil's Porridge Museum in 2023. These events have all now gone by.


By Events

We have a wide range of activities for children during the October holidays 2023! Have a look to our program and book your children in this page!

Workshops and events are free and parents are welcome to join their children!🎃
(Parents are welcome to join their children, but please, book only your child)

Places are limited, so book now! To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Wednesday 18th of October 2023. From 1 – 4pm

          Upcycling workshop: Create a fish in danger of extinction:

          Ideal for children aged 8 + with accompanying adults.

Come join us in the future as we embark on an exciting adventure to explore the depths of the ocean and uncover the fossil of an extinct fish. This mysterious creature has never been seen before, and we need your help to create a story about its life. We will also be crafting the ocean floor and a model of the fish using recycled materials. Let’s work together to bring this ancient creature to life!

The artist:


Gail McGregor is a passionate mixed media artist whose work ranges from textiles and handmade paper to weaving, painting and sculpture. Her artwork is inspired by the dramatic landscape of Skye, its seasonal changes, the flora and fauna and the objects she finds on coastal and woodland walks.

Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Thursday 19th of October 2023. 

         Creative Writing workshop: Waste Stories

Suitable for: adults and young people with an interest in using their imagination to think differently about waste and marine litter. For more information,

– Afternoon workshop: From 2:00-3:30pm

– Evening workshop: From 5:30 – 7pm

Do you worry about waste? Do you care about our coasts? Do you like making stuff up? If your answer to any of these is yes, then join us for a Waste Stories workshop. We’re running two of these creative story workshops to accompany the Solway Hoard exhibition.



Waste is one of our biggest challenges. The waste we produce – and the ways we dispose of it – pollutes our environment and gobbles up energy. A lot of the time we can ignore it, but a visit to some of Scotland’s western and southern shores can remind us how much of the rubbish we produce ends up in our seas, how far it can travel and how long it can last.

We know we need to do something, but people can often feel powerless. Stories can change that, by helping us to see things in new ways and from new angles.  Our Solway Hoard Waste Stories workshops invite you to take a different look at objects that have washed up on our beaches from the perspective of alternative pasts and futures. It’s time we got creative, reduced our trash and turned it into treasure. So come along, look at some bits of rubbish and make some stuff up!

These workshops are part of the Waste Stories project, which is led by Anna Wilson, of the University of Glasgow’s School of Education. We are working with local communities, groups, Colleges and schools to encourage people to make up stuff about rubbish. We gratefully acknowledge financial, practical and creative support from the Levelhulme Trust and the Solway Firth Partnership.

Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Monday 23rd of October, from 11 – 12pm

          Halloween Monsters Crafts Workshop

Ideal for age 6 – 11.

Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Tuesday 24th of October, from 11 – 12pm

         Create a Spooky Halloween Lantern

Ideal for age 6 – 11.


Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Wednesday 25th of October, from 11 – 12pm

          Halloween Wreath Making Workshop

Ideal for age 6 – 11.


Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Thursday 26th, from 11 – 12pm

          Pumpkin Painting Workshop

Ideal for age 6 – 11.


Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!


  • Friday 27th of October, from 6:30 – 8:30pm

         Spooktacular Halloween Party 2023

Ideal for age 5 – 11.



Places are limited and booking is essential. To book your place just click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ tab at the side of our webpage and select October Holidays 2023. You should be able to book in for any of the workshops which still have spaces available there!








A collage of three photos. These are of some tomatoes, some handmade birdfeeders and some children painting at Arts and Crafts club. Some text reads "Monthly Roundup 28th August to 24th September 2023."

Monthly Roundup – 28th August to 24th September 2023

By News

A lot of things have happened at The Devil’s Porridge Museum since our last Weekly Roundup. Check out what’s happened since then in our latest Monthly Roundup below! There’s lots to read about, from school visits to the return of our term time Arts and Crafts Club. Our Cordite club for retired people has also returned this month.

Monday 28th August 2023

Today we had a large group visit us at The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It was great to have them and we were also pleased to provide afternoon tea for them all! It is essential for group visits to be booked in advance. We can provide catering for group visits, but it is essential for this to be booked in advance. Learn more about group visits here>

The Scotia Crafters were selling local, handmade produce in The Devil’s Porridge Museum all this week. It was great to have them at The Devil’s Porridge Museum! Sunday 3rd September 2023 was their last day in the museum.

Friday 1st September 2023

On this day in 1939, the first wave of evacuation of children, women and infants from towns and citys to rural locations took place. This was on the same day that Germany invaded Poland. Many evacuees were sent to the local area, including Barnardo’s evacuees that were sent to many local stately homes.
You can learn more about evacuees in this area in The Devil’s Porridge Museum and even have a go at packing your own evacuees suitcase on our touchscreen!

Saturday 2nd September 2023

On Satuday’s at The Devil’s Porridge Museum we have gardening club. A huge thank you to Wendy and all the young people who have joined us for this so far. Learn more about this here>

Monday 3rd September 2023

On the 3rd of September 1939 at 11.15am, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain took to the airwaves to annouce that Britian was at war with Germany. This followed an ultimatum given to Hilter to pull his troops out of Poland after Germany invaded Poland, which Germany failed to respond to. You can listen to this annoucement at The Devil’s Porridge Museum.


Saturday 9th September 2023

We had another large coach visit The Devil’s Porridge Museum today.  It was brilliant to have them. If you would like food or drinks for a group visit it is vital that this is booked in advance. Learn more about this and group visits here>

Our gardening club is also on Saturdays. Learn more here>

Monday 11st September 2023

Today we had not one, but two group visits at The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It was nice to see them enjoying the museum. Learn more about group visits here>

It was certianly a very busy day today as Monday also marked the return of our term time arts and crafts club for young people. Today they made lovely wee picture frames and it was great to see the young people concentrating on their crafting! A huge thank you to Wendy for this!

Would you like to come along and join our arts and craft club? It’s perfect for 7- 11 year olds. Learn more about this here>

Wednesday 13th September 2023

We were delighted to welcome a school to The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It was fantastic to have them here. Learn more about school visits here>

Thursday 14th September 2023

It’s been a very busy week for group visits. We had another one today. Learn more about this here>

Saturday 16th September 2023

Our gardening club for young people takes place on Saturdays. We’ve used tomatos, lettace, strawberries and more that have been grown in our garden in our café this year!

Read more about our gardening club here>

Monday 18th September 2023

Today marked the return of our Cordite club for retirees. This week they had a quiz to enjoy. You can read more about Cordite club here> 

A huge thank you to Eleanor and Sheila for making this happen!

Art and crafts club continued today. It was great to see the young people here crafting. This week they made bug houses! Take a look at these in the photos below. Learn more about art and craft club here>

Tuseday 19th September 2023

Tuseday 19th September marked another two group visits for The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It’s always nice to see groups enjoying their visit to the museum. Learn more about group visits here>

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Today marked two more group visit to The Devil’s Porridge Museum. You can learn more about group visits here>

Saturday 23rd September 2023

We had another group visit today. It’s brilliant to have welcomed so many groups to The Devil’s Porridge Museum! You can learn more about group visits here>

Gardening club continued again today. Take a look at some of the tomatos that the gardening club have grown this year below. Read more about gardening club here>

That’s it for our Monthly Roundup! Our next Roundup will be in October. In the meantime keep an eye on our events page and our social media platforms to learn more about what’s coming up at The Devil’s Porridge Museum.  You can also take a look at our previous Roundup here>

See you in October !

Poster for Arts and Crafts Club which took place "every Monday from 3:30 to 4:30pm. Starting on 11th September 2023. FREE. Ideal for children age 7-11." This event has now gone past.

Arts and Crafts Club 2023

By Events

Our Arts and Crafts club is starting on Monday 11th September.

It will be on every Monday from 3:30 to 4:30pm. It’s perfect for  7 to 11 year olds.

We’ll craft together and make something pretty! This club is free, just be sure to bring along your imagination. You never know what we’ll be making!

Places are limited.

Please contact to learn more.


A collage of three photos of the Scotia Crafters handmade gifts and crafts from while they were in The Devil's Porridge Museum in 2023. There is some text which reads "Weekly Roundup 21st to 27th August 2023 (The Scotia Crafters will be at The Devil's Porridge Museum until 3rd September 2023)."

Weekly Roundup – 21st – 27th August 2023

By News

We’re delighted to have the Scotia Crafters with us all this week and we’ve had a few group visits too! The Scotia Crafters will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until Sunday 3rd September 2023. Learn more here> Read more about what’s been this happening this week at The Devil’s Porridge Museum below!

Monday 21st August 2023

After setting up last weekend, the Scotia Crafters are back in The Devil’s Porridg Museum’s education room for this year. It’s great to have them back again! They will be in The Devil’s Porridge Museum until the 3rd September 2023. Read more about this here>

We’ve been sure to include lots of photographs of the Scotia Crafters, beautful homemade crafts and gifts in this Weekly Roundup! Take a look at the first three below.

We also had a group visit to The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. Brilliant to see them enjoying their visit! It is essential for group visits to book in advance. Learn more about this here>

Tuseday 22nd August 2023

We had another group visit to The Devil’s Porridge Museum today.  Read more about group visits here>

Scotia Crafters continued to sell some fantastic local crafts, products, gifts and more in The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s Education Room! Read more about this here>

Below are three more photos of the Scotia Crafters lovely handmade gifts and crafts. Be sure to come and see them! The Scotia Crafters will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until 3rd September 2023.

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

On Wednesday we had another group visit. They had the chance to purchase some quality, homemade, local, items from the Scotia Crafters. You can read more about the Scotia Crafters here>

Here are three more photos of the lovely Scotia Crafters exhibition. Visit them at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until 3rd September 2023.

Thursday 24th August 2023

Today we had another  group visit! It’s turning into quite a busy week! Learn more about group visits here>

This group also had chance to treat themselves or someone else with the beautful handmade products being sold by the Scotia Crafters.

Take a look below for three more photos of the Scotia Crafters local homemade crafts and gifts. Remember to visit them, as they will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until the 3rd September 2023.

Friday 25th August 2023

The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s education room continued to play host to the Scotia Crafters. They even sell some delicous homemade sweet treats!

Here are three more photos of the Scotia Crafters beautiful arts and crafts. It’s well worth a visit to them. From beautful knitted gifts, needle felted items, jewellery, local photography, handmade soap and much more there’s a stunning selection of local items for sale. They will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until 3rd September 2023. Learn more here>

Saturday 26th August 2023

Homemade, local, gifts, arts and crafts and more were being sold by the Scotia Crafters in The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s Education room. If you’ve got anyone’s Birthday coming up this is the perfect place to buy their gift! Come along and see them for yourself until the 3rd September 2023.

Below are a few more photos of the Scotia Crafters exhibition. Learn more about this here>

Sunday 27th August 2023

It was lovely to have the Scotia Crafters with us again today. If you haven’t had chance to pop in and see them this week don’t worry! They will be at The Devil’s Porridge Museum until the 3rd September 2023! You can read more about this here>


So that’s the end of this week’s Weekly Roundup! As our normal Weekly Roundup person is off next week, we won’t be back with our Weekly Roundup for a wee while. Rest assurred we will be back with a full Monthly Roundup for September 2023! Keep an eye out for that on our social media platforms here>

In the meantime you can read our last Weekly Roundup here> 



A collage of three photos. These are of two people using a camera, two children dressed up in bee keeping costumes and a person doing some creative writing. There is some text which reads "Weekly Roundup 14th to 20th August 2023."

Weekly Roundup – 14th – 20th August 2023.

By News

It’s been another exciting week at The Devil’s Porridge Museum with creative writing and a Bee Celebration! Read more in our Weekly Roundup below!

Monday 14th August 2023

Today we had a scriptwritting workshop for young people aged 16 – 26 years old with Haltwhistle Films. We had a very interesting workshop with object handling and we even had chance to film draft videos for our upcoming hologram. Take a look at some of the photos of what happened below.

Wednesday 16th August 2023

Wedenesday was a busy day with not one, but two group visits. It was brilliant to have them visiting The Devil’s Porridge Museum. Learn more about group visits here>


Saturday 19th August 2023

On Saturday we had a Bee Celebration and we think it went bee-illiantly, even if we do say so ourselves! There was lots of fun activities from honey taste testing, trying on beekeeper suits, beautiful wax art demonstrations, candle making and more! A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with this event and all those who came along.

We got lots of great photos! Have a look below.


Some of the people who came along also helped us start to fill a time capsule with letters, drawings and messages for future generations.The capsule is set to be opened in 2050, and the UK is aiming to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by then. Who knows how much life will have changed by the time it gets opened!

Our gardening club was also a hive of activity (I promise that’s the last bee related pun in this Weekly Roundup). You can see some of what they have been growing in the photos below. Learn more about this here>

Sunday 20th August 2023

The Socotia Crafters came to set up in The Devil’s Porridge Museum today. They sell a lovely selection of homemade, local, produce, gifts and arts and crafts. The Socotia Crafters will be at The Devil’s Porrridge Museum until Sunday 3rd September. Come along and treat yourself or someone else! Perhaps you could even make a start on your Christmas shopping while they’re at The Devil’s Porridge Museum (or is that still too soon?).

Thanks for joining us for this week’s Weekly Roundup! Come back again next week to keep up to date with what’s been happening. In the meantime see what’s comming up at the museum by checking out our events page here> You can read last week’s Weekly Roundup here>

We’ll see you again next week!

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