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Albert Wright
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Albert Wright
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: January 1876. Burnley Re. Dist.
Date and Place of Death: January 1939. 80 Water Street, Nelson. Lancaster.
Nationality: British
Childhood: Albert was an illigetimate child born in 1876 to Nancy Wright. His father is not named on his marriage certificate. In 1881 he is described as ‘stepson’; in 1891 his surname is: ‘Dean’ otherwise he gives his name as Wright.
He had three siblings.
Parents: Father – Unknown; Mother – Nancy Wright. He was raised by Thomas Dean when he married Nancy.
Parent’s occupations: Father– Cotton Weaver. Mother – Cotton Weaver.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Cotton weaver
Place of residence at Gretna: N/K
Job title at Gretna: Foreman
Marital status: Married
Children: Two.
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: O.B.E 1920 for bravery in an incident at Gretna.
Nelson Leader Friday 19th November 1920
“NELSON MUNITION HERO. MAN WHO FACED DEATH ON THE HOME FRONT. Mr. Alfred Wright, 2a, Back Victoria, street, Great courage shown on the occasion of what might have been a very serious explosion. This describes in official terms the part a Nelson man played during the war, and for which he yesterday afternoon received a Workers ‘D.C.M’ along with many other Lancashire men who faced death in munitions work during the war.
The awards were the medal of the British Empire Order, given for courage in the high dangerous jobs in munitions making at the risk of health and often life, and for spontaneous acts of courage in emergencies, often when fire threatened serious disaster amongst the making of explosives.”
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