Central Chemical Laboratory
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Dr Alfred George Innes
Chief ChemistBiography
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Dr. Alfred George Innes.
Gender: Male.
Date and Place of Birth: 2oth June, 1884.
Date and Place of Death: 6th October, 1952.
Nationality: British.
Childhood: N/A.
Parents: N/A.
Parent’s occupations: N/A.
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: “Ed. Christ College, Brecon, and University of Oxford, 1902-06. Worked with G. Lunge at Zurich Polytechnic, 1907-09, and at Zurich University, 1907-08 (Ph.D. 1908)”.
Occupation: Chemist.
Place of residence at Gretna: N/A.
Job title at Gretna: Chief Chemist.
Marital status: N/A.
Spouse name (including male name): N/A.
Date of marriage: N/A.
Place/Parish of marriage: N/A.
Children: N/A.
Travels: N/A.
Awards/recognitions: N/A.
Trivia / any other information:
Dornock Farewell Page 67: “Dr A.G. Innes, c/o Institute of Chemistry, 30 Russel Square, London, W”.
Page 46.
Something called the ‘Dornock Alphabet’ mentions McInnes.
I: “Dr Innes, whose marvellous brains, Can analyse bowler hats, parsnips, or trains”.
499: Under Obituary Notes(…) Research chemist at Sutton Broad Laboratory, Stalham, Norfolk, 1906. After a short time with Brunner, Mond & Go. at Northwich, he joined the technical staff of Lever Bros., Ltd., at Port Sunlight in 1909, proceeding ‘to the research staff of Nobel’s Explosives Go., Ardeer, 1910-1 1. He then became assistant chief of research staff at the artificial silk factory, Tubize, Belgium, until the outbreak of war. Served as Lieut., R.N.V.R., 1915-16, and then became chief chemist at the Gretna cordite factory, 1916-19. Held British and foreign patents. Became Deputy Director, Government Laboratory, Cairo, 1919, and resigned as Controller of the Chemical Department in 1936. He returned to Northwood, Middlesex, became managing director of a firm on his own account and practised as a consulting chemical engineer. (F. 1916.)
Volume 42, 1918 From the journal: Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland Part IV.
Page 82. Innes, A.G., Lieut. R.N.A.S Under a list of Fellows, Associates, Students and Candidates for Examination Who Are Serving Or Have Served With H.M. Forces. He is listed under Fellows.
- Also under “General Notices. Local Sections”. (63). Listed under Gretna as part of a committee consisting of “Mr. J.C. Burnham, C.S.I., Mr. A. Cottrell, Mr. W.G. Emmett, Mr. C. Hislop and Dr A.G. Innes”.
New Fellows
Innes, Alfred George, M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D. (Zurich), Central Chemical Laboratory, H.M. Factory, Dornock, Scotland.
New Fellows
Emmett, William Gidley, M.A. (Cantab.), No. 6. Blackbank, Gretna, Scotland.
(Section Manager, H.M. Factory.)
Associates Elected to Fellowship
Porter, James Walker, A.R.C.S.I., S. West 13, Gretna Township, Gretna, Scotland
New Associates (by examination
Jones, Thomas Gilbert Henry, B.Sc. (Sydney), P. 14 West, Gretna, Scotland [Research ; M.]
Paterson, James Bertram, B.Sc. (Lond.), 4, Canberra Road, Gretna, Scotland. [S. ; 31. ; Research.]