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Christopher Trippier
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Christopher Trippier
Gender: Male
Date and Place of Birth: 2nd July 1886, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, Lancashire
Date and Place of Death: March 1951, Nelson, Lancashire
Nationality: British
Childhood: 4th of 5 children
Parents: Joseph and Mary nee Davonport
Parent’s occupations: Cotton engineer
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Weaver / Chargeman at Gretna
Place of residence at Gretna: 3F East, Gretna
Job title at Gretna: Chargeman
Marital status: Married Elizabeth Webster
Children: 1 daughter.
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Christopher Trippier was born on 2nd July 1886 at Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire to Joseph and Mary nee Davonport.
1891- – living at 9 Pickles Street, Church. Father an engineer -cotton. Christopher the 4th of 5 children
1901- 20 Cobden Street, Padiham, Lancashire. Father an engineer. Christopher a weaver.
July 1910- married Elizabeth Webster at Burnley, Lancashire.
1911 – 3 Mitton Street, Padiham. 4 rooms. Both Christopher and his wife are weavers.
WW1 employed. At H M Factory Gretna as a chargeman living at 3F East, Gretna (Electoral register)
1921 – Christopher, Elizabeth and daughter Annie are on the record in Burnley.
1939- Lanside, Burnley, cotton weaver
March 1951 died at Nelson, Lancashire aged 65
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