41 Johnstone Street
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Florence Tinkler
Munition Factory WorkerBiography

Florence Anne Tinkler. Photo taken from public Ancestry tree.
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Florence Annie Tinkler ( sister of Ethel Mary Tinkler and sister in law of Frederick Charles Dobinson)

Florence Tinkler pictured in her HM Factory Gretna uniform. Photo taken from public Ancestry tree.
Gender: Female
Date and place of birth: 4th June 1899, Penrith
Date and Place of Death: 25th March 1985, Penrith
Nationality: British
Childhood: One of 6
Parents: Thomas Kendall Tinkler and Isabella ne Alderson
Parents occupations: Joiner
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Munition worker
Place of residence at Gretna: 41 Johnstone Street, Annan
Marital status: Unmarried
Children: Daughter born in 1921
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information: N/k
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Mini Biography
Florence Annie Tinkler 1899-1985
Florence Annie Tinkler was born on 4th June 1899 at Penrith to Thomas Kendall Tinkler and Isabella nee Alderson. A younger sister to Ethel Mary also in data base .
1901- living at 23 William Street, Penrith. Father a joiner
1911 – living at 23 William Street, Penrith 6 rooms. Father a joiner.
WW1- employed at HM Factory Gretna, living in 1917 at 41 Johnstone Street, Annan.
1916- brother killed in action in France
May 1917 – sister presented to the Queen
1st August 1917 – was bridesmaid for sister and fellow munition worker Ethel May Tinkler to another munition worker Frederick Charles Dobinson as reported in the Penrith Observer.
A PENRITH WAR WORKER’S WEDDING. The marriage took place at St. Andrew’s Church,, Penrith, on Wednesday of Private Frederick Charles Dobinson Durham Light Infantry, son of Mr. J. C. Dobinson, West House , Sacriston, Durham, and Miss Ethel Mary Tinkler, daughter of Mr. T. Tlnkler, Williams Street, Penrith. The bride has for a considerable time been employed at the Gretna factory, and a few months ago had the honour of being presented to the Queen during their Majesties northern tour. The bridegrooms has seen service in France , and is now working.at munitions factory. Miss Edith C. Dobinson and Miss F. Tinkler were the bridesmaids. and Mr. B. Blanche, Carlisle, was best man. Among the many presents was a silver tea service from the girls at the factory, bearing the inscription : ” Presented to Miss Tinkier by fellow workers and staff on the occasion of her marriage, August Ist, 1917.” Penrith Observer – Tuesday 07 August 1917
The unfortunate incident below reported in 1917
Dumfries and Galloway Standard – Saturday 08 December 1917
“For a similar offence “( taking matches into the restricted area at the Factory ) “Florence Tinkler, munition factory worker, 41. Johnstone Street. Annan, was fined £2. Immediately after paying the fine the accused collapsed in her seat, and had to be carried out of the courtroom by police officer.”
April 1921 – had a daughter , Sheila M Tinkler .
1939 – living with daughter and parents at 23 William Street, Penrith, a single domestic servant
25th March 1985 – died at Penrith aged 86