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James Howard Wiseman
General Foreman PlumberBiography
Date and place of birth: 16 March 1868 Bermondsey District, Surrey
Date and place of death:
Nationality: British
Biography: James grew up with his siblings in Aston, Warwickshire,
Parents: James Henry Wiseman married Mary Ann Crowder 1872 Coleshill, Warwickshire
Mary Ann Crowder
James Henry Wiseman
Parents occupation: James Senior was a Plumber
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance: Not known
Occupation: James was a Plumber, but after the war he set up a Motor Garage in Birmingham.
Place of residence at Gretna: Not known
Job Title at Gretna: Plumber on Dornock site
Marital Status: James was married twice:
Ann Harrison- Aston District, Warwickshire District 1903
Elizabeth Kate Stanley- Birmingham District, Warwickshire 1942
Children: James and Ann had one son, Howard Wiseman in 1908 Aston, Warwickshire
Travels: Nil known
Awards/recognitions: Not known
Trivia/any other information:
British Newspapers Archive