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Photo of John Lowrey Adamson

John Lowrey Adamson


Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : John Lowrey Adamson
Gender: Male
Date and place of birth: 1852, Hayton, Cumberland
Date and Place of Death: Q1 1930, Carlisle
Childhood: A twin
Parents: Joseph and Jane nee Lowrey
Parents occupations: Not known
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Printer and compositor newspaper
Place of residence at Gretna: N/K proably home in Stanwix, Carlisle
Marital status: Married
Children: 7, 6 surviving
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
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Mini Biography

John Lowrey Adamson 1852-1930

John Lowrey Adamson was born in 1852 at Hayton, Cumberland to Joseph and Jane nee Lowrey. He was a twin.

1861 – whole family living with maternal grandparents at 10 James Terrace, Botchergate, Carlisle . Mother a yeast brewer. No father listed

1871- 10 Tait Street, Botchergate, Carlisle -mother now listed as widowed and a yeast brewer. John – a printer compositor

1879- married Catherine [Kate] Reed at Carlisle

1881- 4 Myddleton Street a printer and compositor. Married with 1 child. This is the home of his mother in law

1891 – 20 Church Street, Stanwix, Carlisle. Printer compositor with 5 children

1901- 53 Scotland Road, Stanwix, Carlisle. Printer compositor

1911- 2 Eden Terrace, Stanwix. 6 rooms. Compositor at newpaper office Has had 7 children, 6 surviving

WW1 employed at Gretna. Too old for military service.

1921 – listed as an ex or retired Gretna worker . John Laurey [Lowrey], Catherine and Elizabeth Maud are in the record at Kingmoor, Carlisle

Q1 1930- died at Carlisle aged 78

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