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William Stephen Bradley
Date and place of birth: Not known but most likely Australia circa 1889
Date and place of death: 9 April 1923 Perth, Western Australia
Nationality: Australian
Biography: Nil known
Parents: Not known
Parents occupation: Not known
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance: Not known
Occupation: Chemist
Place of residence at Gretna: Not known
Job Title at Gretna: Dornock Chemist
Marital Status: William married Jean Carol Carlile Hadden in Perth, Australia 1920
Children: William had one son: Stephen William Carlyle Bradley born 8 February 1921
Travels: William’s went from Australia to England 1916. William returned to Australia after the war
Awards/Recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information:
William’s forwarding address in Dornock Farewell: Leadhills, Francis St, Subiaco, W. Australia
British Newspaper Archive
Name and address appeared in the Dornock Farewell, held in The Devil’s Porridge Museum’s archive collection.
See: The Australian contribution to HM Factory Gretna – Devils Porridge Museum