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Things to do near me

Two happy children outside The Devil's Porridge Museum.

Events at the Museum in February

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Events taking place at the Museum from Monday 17th of February to Sunday 23rd February. All of these activities are free and only the trip to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow on Saturday the 22nd requires booking. If you wish to book phone: 01461 700021, email: or pop into the Museum during our opening hours. Drop in sessions can be joined at any time while the session is running and last as long as the activity takes.


Monday 17th February (11am – 2pm)

Warhammer Workshop and Painting Competition


Come along and find out all about Warhammer. We will have mini-games set up for beginners to learn and play as well as space for more experienced players to set up their own epic battles.

Paint and take home one of our Space Marines as part of the painting competition. All paints and models will be provided! There will also be space and paint for anyone looking to paint their own models.

Tuesday 18th February (11am – 2pm)

Pop in Poetry


Local artist and published poet Hugh McMillan will be running a series of drop in poetry workshops aimed at all ages.

Find out about WW1 poets and try your hand at writing some poetry of your own inspired by the Museums collection.


Wednesday 19th February (11am – 2pm)

Historical Arts and Crafts


Running along-side our imitation stained-glass project designing panels for our café renovation, drop into the learning zone and join Alison and Wendy to create your own imitation stained-glass window scene to take home and proudly display at home.

The imitation stained-glass project is a separate event and aimed at older crafters and adults.


Thursday 20th February (11am – 2pm)

Time Bandits Living History


Historical re-enactors from Time Bandits Living History will be visiting The Devils Porridge on this day.

With live performances throughout the day and a larger range of objects to be handled and explored the Time Bandits will be providing an insight into life on the home front and the roles of Women during World War One.


Friday 21st February (11am onwards)

Warhammer 40k Kill team Porridge Championship


The first ever Porridge Championship! Build your 40k kill team and battle your way through a series of missions against the other competitors. Prizes for the best painted army and most enjoyable competitor as well as our overall champion!

A painting area will also be provided for anyone adding any finishing touches to their army.


Saturday 22nd February (All day events)

Games Club


Our regular Devils Porridge Games Club will be running this day (10am – 11am for primary 6 and above 11am – 12noon open to all ages) but there will be different traditional games set up for families to play throughout the rest of the day.

Riverside Museum Trip to Glasgow (bus departs at 9.30 and returns at 4pm)


Join us for a free family day out to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow. Free return travel to the Museum and entry to the Museum is also free!

Riverside Museum is Glasgow’s award winning transport Museum. With over 3000 objects on display there’s everything from skateboards to locomotives, paintings to prams and cars to a Stormtrooper.

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