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Finds from a metal detector

By September 25th, 2024No Comments
A man with his metal detector finds.

A gentleman recently visited the Museum.  He is an amateur metal detector.  He spent time recently (with the landowner’s permission) exploring a field in Cumbria, near Keswick where a Roman fort had been.   He didn’t discover any Roman material that he is aware of but he did discover several objects which seem to relate to World War One and we are very grateful to him for donating them to the Museum.

metal detector finds gfro

The whole collection of recently donated objects.  There were 53 items altogether.

More research is needed into the location of the finds to see how it may have been used in the early twentieth century (the donor speculated that it may have been an army training ground) but we thought you’d like to see this unusual collection of items, some seemingly agricultural, others seem to be military and others are a complete mystery (at the moment).

Bullets and coins.

Agricultural items and a mysterious solid lead block (on left).

Military badges.

A spoon and mess tin.

One of the two glass bottles found. One is from Penrith and the other says Wigton, Silloth and Penrith on it.

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