Our next FREE online talk, ‘Geese, guns and ghost: Following the barnacle goose along the Solway Firth’ is coming up on Tuesday 13th December at 7 pm. This talk will be given by Dr. Charlotte Alexandra Wrigley.
Book your free space online here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/geese-guns-and-ghost-following-the-barnacle-goose-along-the-solway-firth-tickets-474701243197
Charlotte Wrigley is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Stavanger in Norway. She works at the intersection of Arctic geographies, geohumanities and environmental history, thinking through the entanglements of human and nonhuman lives with materialities and technologies. She previously worked at the Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg and Queen Mary, University of London, where she did her PhD on permafrost and woolly mammoth de-extinction. Her first book entitled ‘Earth, Ice, Bone, Blood’ will be published in April 2023.