Greenock Scotland
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Alexander Roy Henderson Phillips
Date and place of birth : 26 February 1893 in the Greenock District of Renfrewshire
Date and place of Death : N/K
Nationality: British
Biography: Roy was raised in Greenock with his siblings:
William (Jnr) Phillips 1885
Marion (Minnie) Findlay Phillips 1886
John Phillips 1886
Frederick Phillips 1897
Parents: William Phillips and Agnes Cunningham
Parents occupation: William was the Manager of a Preserves Factory
Schools Universities attended and years of attendance – Not known
Place of residence at Gretna: Not Known
Marital status:
Roy Phillips married Winifred Agnes Gow 1923 in Greenock West District of Renfrewshire
Children: No known children
Job title at Gretna : Not known
After the war Roy managed a sugar refinery and travelled back and forth between China and England.
Travels – From passenger lists it is obvious that Roy travelled a great deal and his wife Winifred accompanied him.
Awards/recognitions: Nil known
Trivia/any other information
Scotland’s People