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Nellie M Harrison
Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by): Nellie M Harrison (M. N Harrison in the Dornock Farewell magazine). Prior to marrage her last name was Sleightholme.
Gender: Female.
Date and Place of Birth: 1901. Threlkeld, Cumberland
Date and Place of Death: N/K
Nationality: British
Childhood: The youngest of 6 children. One of her older brothers James Sleightholme, worked as a motor driver in Gretna.
Father – Thomas Sleightholme; Born: 19th June 1853 at Hawthorn Hill, Goatland, Yorkshire.
Mother – Mary Jane Sleightholme M/s Hopper born in Exelby, Yorkshire in 1861. They married in 1880
Parent’s occupations: Thomas was a Quarryman
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: N/K
Place of residence at Gretna: N/K
Job title at Gretna: N/K
Marital status: Married.
Children: N/K
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
Name and address mentioned in Dornock Farewell, held in The Devil’s Porridge Museum archive collection.
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