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Kids in Museums Manifesto

By June 25th, 2019No Comments
Kids in Museums logo.

The Devil’s Porridge Museum has pledged to put families and young people at the heart of our museum through the Kids in Museums Manifesto! Each day this week we will highlight our engagement with one of the manifesto pledges!

Kids in Museums Manifesto

Be welcoming. Create an environment where families can explore, have fun and learn together. Make sure staff and volunteers provide a warm welcome and make all interactions with visitors friendly and informative. Include things that can be touched and make labels clear to explain when they can’t. Welcome enthusiastic comments and always keep instructions positive.


At the Devil’s Porridge Museum we provide a free welcome talk and have friendly and passionate volunteers located around the museum itself to answer any questions and provide further information. There are a number of interactive aspects to the exhibits in the museum and objects that can be handled by visitors. There are also blue step stools spread throughout the museum to aid those smaller visitors who can’t quite see into all the cabinets and displays.


Our ‘Mammoth’ museum hunt will also be launched next week for young visitors and those young at heart to help them explore the museum.  Watch out for an exciting post about our Kids in Museum Mammoth hunt next week as our Summer of Fun gets underway.

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