Keep up to date with what’s been happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum with our Monthly Roundup for 23rd October 2023 to 19th November 2023. We were proud to remember all those animals and people who served in war in November. Read more about this and everything else that’s been happening below.
Monday 23rd October
The second week of October half term continued with some spooky Halloween monster crafts at The Devil’s Porridge Museum. Today the made spiders pumpkins and more. It was fang-tastic to see all the young people there being so creative! Take a look at some of the photos below.
Tuesday 24th October
It was time for our next Halloween workshop and this time the young people were making haunting Halloween lanterns. Photos of this event are coming soon.
Wednesday 25th October
Time for a Halloween wreath making workshop. These were perfect for the young people who came along to use to decorate their house! Photos of this event are coming soon!
Thursday 26th October
It’s been fantastic to have so many young people join us to enjoy our free October holiday workshops. Today was no different with some pumpkin painting in The Devil’s Porridge Museum. The pumpkins the young people painted were spook-tacular! Photos of this event our coming soon!
Friday 27th October
On Friday was our spook-tacular annual Halloween party for young people! There was lots to enjoy from some treats to eat to guessing the number of sweets in the glass and going around the museum in the dark to find our resident spook Sam (who only comes out for Halloween). We think everyone looked very spooky and it was very hard to choose winners for our best dressed costume contest! There was also a best dressed mummy contest (don’t worry we let the people back out of their bandages at the end!).
A selection of photos of the frightful fun can be seen below! We would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped out with our October holiday workshops this year and all those who came along to them!
Saturday 28th October
Today marked our last gardening club of the year. A huge thank you to all the young people who came along for all their help in our garden. We hope to see you again next year!
Another huge thank you to Wendy for all our hard work on this.
Monday 30th October
Today our Cordite Club got crafty! They were making Halloween lanterns this week. It was great to have them back in the museum again today. As always a huge thank you to Shelia and Eleanor for all their hard work on this! Learn more about Cordite Club here>
Our term time Arts and Crafts Club for young people was back again today. Read more about this here>
Monday 6th November
Fantastic to have another school visiting us today. It was brilliant to have them and there are some photos of their visit below. You can learn more about school visits here>
Our Arts and Crafts club was on again today. Learn more about this here>
Friday 10th November
Today we held our Animals in War Remembrance Service at 11am. We were proud to remember with local schools and animals. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this.

Saturday 11th November
Today we were proud to join people across the country in holding a 2 minute silence to mark Armistice Day. Thank you to everyone who joined us to remember the people and animals who served and sacrificed so much during wartime.
Sunday 12th November
We were proud to hold a 2 minute silence at The Devil’s Porridge Museum to mark Remembrance Sunday today.
Representatives of The Devil’s Porridge Museum were proud to be laying wreaths at Eastriggs and Dornock war memorial today.
Monday 13th November
We had our Cordite Club back in The Devil’s Porridge Museum on Monday 13th November.
Another huge thank you to Eleanor and Sheila for making this happen! Today they had lots of fantastic Christmas themed prizes in their tombola, which are in the photos below. Thank you to the people who donated these prizes.
Learn more about our Cordite Club here>
We also had our Arts and Crafts club on again today. The young people were making Christmas decorations out of popsicle sticks, including wee Christmas trees and snowflakes. It was fantastic to see what they were creating. Learn more about Arts and Craft club here>
Our café Christmas menu is also available from today! Why not pop in the café and treat yourself to a festive toasted baguette with your choice of fillings from Tukey & Trimmings OR Brie & Cranberry Sauce for £6.95? Our Christmas menu is served from 10:30am to 2:00pm and will be available until Monday 10th December 2023. Our café also now has it’s own Facebook page. You can find it here>
Wednesday 15th November.
Today we had a coach visit The Devil’s Porridge Museum. It was lovely to have them, but here’s a quick reminder that it is essential for you to book your group visit in advance. Please read more about group visits here>
That’s all for this Monthly Roundup! We’ll be back in December for the last Monthly Roundup of 2023 (where has this year gone?). Please feel welcome to check out our previous Monthly Roundup in the meantime here> You can also keep up to date with what’s happening at The Devil’s Porridge Museum on our social media pages here>
A quick heads up! We do close over Christmas from 11th December 2023, so that our team can have a well earned break! Don’t worry we’ll be sure to post this on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our website, as well as information about when re-open on 8th January 2024!