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Animals in War Remembrance Weekend Memorial

By October 28th, 2019No Comments
Animals in War Memorial with a dog.

Come along to a Remembrance weekend event with a difference. We will be having short remembrance service for all the animals who have suffered in war. This will take place on Saturday the 9th of November at 3pm at the Animals in War memorial outside the Devils Porridge Museum. The event will be organised and led by young people. We would welcome people to bring along their pets: dogs, cats, horses – whatever you like really (as long as you keep them under control!) Purple poppies will be available (via donation) for you to put on your animals collar. We hope to see lots of people and animals there! After the ceremony, you will be welcome to visit the Museum (normal admission charges apply) and see our Animals in War Exhibition which runs until December.


We will be joined by a group of World War One historical re-enactors. They will be bringing their horses who will be equipped as horses were in World War One. There will also be wreath laying and remembrance service.

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