Full name of worker at H.M. Factory Gretna (and any other names they are known by) : Sidney Frank Watson
Gender: Male
Date and place of birth: 9th July 1891, Battersea, London
Date and Place of Death: 31st March 1955 , 16, Westminster Drive, Westcliffe-on-Sea
Nationality: British
Childhood: 2nd son of at least 2 children
Parents: John and Martha Jane nee?
Parents occupations: Loco shed maker
Schools / universities attended and years of attendance: N/K
Occupation: Police Constable
Place of residence at Gretna: Gaitleburn
Marital status: Married
Children: At least 1 son
Travels: N/K
Awards/recognitions: N/K
Positions held: N/K
Trivia / any other information:
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Mini Biography
Sidney Frank Watson 1891-1955
Sidney Frank Watson was born on 9th July 1891 in Battersea, London to John , a railway line man and Martha Jane nee ? .
1901 – living at 22 Annerley Street, East Battersea. Father a loco shed maker. Sidney the 2nd son.
1906- aged 17 years 11 months made short attestation to 4th East Surrey Special reserves.
1908- joined special reserve Royal Artillery. Described as a van guard.
1911- lodging at 68 Upper Paddock Road, Oxley, Watford , Hertfordshire. A railway clerk.
Military service
“R F A 10 Years: 6 Mths Sergt Gretna Police : 23–4-19 To 23-6-19 2 Mths Reserve :1 Year 2 Mths 1914 Star British War & Victory Medals
Trade – telephone cord repairer”
Joined date- 6 Oct 1919 ( Birmingham City Police )
Address – Gailtelburn Gretna
Leaving date -20 Dec 1945”
Source:- West Midlands Police Records
1921 – Sydney Frank, Albert Ernest, Alfred and 3 others are on this record in Birmingham
25th July 1924 married Fanny Emily Ada Evans in Birmingham . Address 202 Rolfe Str, Smethwick
1939- 46 Bellefield Rd, Birmingham. Police Constable. 1 son at home
Left force 1945
31st March 1955 died aged 64 at 16 Westminster Drive, Westcliffe on Sea, Essex