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New guides to the Museum now on display

By September 25th, 2024No Comments
Some museum volunteers behind near the front desk. One of them holds a large print guidebook.

We have developed some foreign language guides which visitors to the Museum can borrow from the desk at reception.  They contain brief introductory information to each of the areas of the Museum’s displays.  We currently have guides in French, German, Spanish and Mandarin.  We hope to add guides in other languages in future.  Thanks to Nicola Bogle for helping to arrange these translations.

Also now available to borrow from the Main Desk is a large print guidebook for visitors with visual impairments.  We hope this small addition will help them to enjoy their visit to us even more.

When you visit the Museum, our volunteers and staff will do everything they can to make you welcome.  We are always being praised on our excellent customer care. If there is anything we can do to make your visit more enjoyable or if you have suggestions on other actions we could take to accommodate your needs, please do let us know (email: or phone 01461 700021).

Thanks to Graham Croft for putting up the display in reception.

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