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Photos of World War One munitions workers during and after the War

By April 28th, 2023No Comments
William and Ann Collins in 1916.

The Museum was visited recently by a couple who told us about their family’s connections with HM Factory Gretna in World War One.  They donated photographs of their family from that time (for our original post about this donation, see:

The couple recently made contact with us again to share some photographs of the same people after the War had ended, when they had moved to Beeston in Nottinghamshire.

This photograph shows William and Anne Collins at around the time of their marriage om 1916 (she was a munitions worker at HM Factory Gretna and he was stationed there with the Royal Engineers).

The photograph below shows the same couple in 1973.

This photograph shows Anne when she worked at HM Factory Gretna, she was about 16 years old at the time.

The photograph below shows Anne in 1989 aged 91.

This photograph shows William in World War One.  He joined the Royal Engineers in 1914.

The photograph below shows William in 1973.  He worked at Wilford Power Station and died in 1981 aged 87 years.

Thanks so much to this couple and to all the people who share their family stories with us.

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